Holidays, Entrepreneurship and SLOs with Nobl9

It's finally here, the end of season 1 of the podcast is upon us! To celebrate, Santa is bringing something special - entrepreneurship advice for all the would-be founders of the world, ages 1 to 92.

Brian Singer, co-founder & CPO of Nobl9, sits down with Dev Interrupted to help us close out season 1 with a conversation on what it takes to found your own company. Having founded a pair of companies, one of which he sold to Google, Brian has a deep understanding of what it takes to successfully found and scale a startup. More than that, he knows what VCs are looking for. 

Developers Share Technical Debt Horror Stories (Part 1)

Profit Loss

Arthur Linum is a technology consultant. He shared some of his experiences with me: 

—I was the consultant for a startup that had accumulated substantial technical debt. They had rushed to meet tight deadlines to position themselves at the forefront of the market, and this had led to code that was quick and dirty. 

How to Measure Technical Debt and How to Keep Track of the Progress

Don't drown in technical debt!

Nothing in this world is perfect. Neither is code. Sometimes the pressure to deliver fast results leads to coding shortcuts. Sometimes developers can’t find the right solution immediately and sometimes they are too lazy to do that. One day they misread the requirements, and the other – the requirements are changed in the process. But what does it have in common with the technical debt?

You may also like: Technical Debt: What It Is, Why It's Important, and How to Prioritize It

What Is Tech Debt and How to Explain It to Non-Technical People?

Technical debt: explained.

Probably anyone who is connected to software development has heard about technical debt. But both salespeople, account managers and probably even CEOs rarely understand what tech debt means, how to measure technical debt, as well as the necessity to pay it. According to Claranet's survey, 48% of 100 IT decision-makers from the UK, say that their non – technical coworkers have no idea about the financial impact of tech debt.