Best Tech Comics of 2020 (Part 2) w/ CodeinWP … #Influencers #Hosting #Marketing

Welcome to the second tech comics roundup of 2020! That’s right; we’ve got more comics. In fact, we’ve been working on comics ever since we published the previous roundup back in May. Most of the credit goes to our artist-in-residence, Joao Santos, who spends his time trawling the internet so he can bring you a fresh perspective on developments in the tech-sphere. So, what caught his eye over the past few months?

Best Tech Comics of 2020 (So Far) w/ CodeinWP … #Bugs #Freelancing #WFH #Internlife

Welcome to the first tech comics roundup of 2020! It’s been a while since our 2019 tech comics roundup was published. While this may be true, it does not mean we have neglected the comics department in the meantime. In fact, our illustrator, Joao Santos, comes up with new comics every week. And, that’s why we can happily welcome you to the latest tech and WordPress comics roundup!

Best Tech Comics of 2019 (So Far) w/ CodeinWP … #Developers #Gutenberg #Conversions

Long time no see. The last time we met to look at some cool comics was back in February. But this doesn’t mean we stopped working on comics altogether, far from it! In fact, we’ve been working harder than ever to ensure we can bring you the very best of the best every six months (or so). And, finally, we can officially welcome you to the first of our new best-of articles sharing our tech and WordPress comics.