8 Top Metrics for Measuring Your Technical Debt in 2022

Much like running up bills on your credit card, technical debt can easily get out of hand. To avoid this happening, you need to keep track of how much debt you’re building up.

Technical debt metrics are designed to help you make sense of all the data you collect. There are many different metrics to choose from nowadays, and plenty of tools for recording the data.

Running Experiments To Create Change

Change is difficult.

And it’s even more difficult if you’re the one trying to make change happen. But as more organizations start modernizing their software development workflows, like going from story points to cycle time, change is something we need to learn how to implement.

Stop Changing My Toolbox!

As a feature developer, my goal is to deliver solutions that meet the needs of the customer. Where possible, I will lean toward a reputable framework to make life easier and eliminate boilerplate code. My thought process is, let those elements do common things in a way far better than I ever could.

As a part of my job — especially as a nearly 100% remote resource — I lean on a series of tools to help me be productive and communicate with other team members.