5 Keys to Successfully Implement Team Topologies in Your Organization

Effective software teams are essential for any organization to deliver value continuously and sustainably. But this effectiveness is, oftentimes, hard to attain. 

In their book “Team Topologies,” Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais present a “practical, step-by-step adaptive model for organization design and team interaction, where team structures and communication pathways are able to evolve together with technological and organizational maturity.”

4 Ways to Coach Your Software Team for Success

Very few people advance and develop their careers on their own. Along the way, they have help and guidance from experienced colleagues, mentors, and leaders.

Now that you’ve risen through the ranks, you’ve found yourself in a position where you get to return the favor. You’ve got a team of software engineers who need more than a supervisor or a taskmaster. They need a coach, someone who can provide guidance and support their learning process.

Scaling Agile Frameworks: Creating Solutions or Problems?

When the Agile Manifesto was published in 2001, it brought together several lightweight methods under one umbrella term. Agile methodologies have since been widely adopted across technology companies, as they bring effective benefits in guiding the development and delivery of high-quality, working software.

However, Agile methodologies were designed for small teams, often between five and nine members. So what happens when companies take over massive projects that require dozens or even hundreds of people working towards one common goal? How can you apply Agile methodologies to such an environment? And how do you do it while maintaining both the quality of your output and the best practices within your team?