How to handle hypergrowth like Grammarly

Grammarly has a simple but ambitious goal: turn all of its users into great writers. 

Their product has become synonymous with quality and working professionals the world over depend on the digital writing assistant to improve their grammar, catch spelling mistakes and write engaging content. 

Does Dev Methodology Matter?

Every software development method has its own rules your team is supposed to adhere to, but how flexible are these rules and what’s best for your team?

Chris Downard, VP of Engineering at GigSmart, doesn’t let Agile or any other methodology define what’s right for his team. In this episode of Dev Interrupted, we discuss how dev processes are changing in a remote world, why Chris got rid of dev teams altogether, and how to create your very own dev methodology.

Best of DZone: Agile and Project Management

Getting Started

A Short Guide on How to Get Started With Agile Project Management by Evgen Domch: Get started with your first Agile project using this step-by-step guide that will walk you through every aspect of the process

Top 40 Project Management Terms and Concepts of 2019 by Fred Wilson: This large list of terms and jargon from project management can serve as a great reference for management and teams beginning their Agile journey.