Agile Coaches Without Technical Knowledge: How to Overcome the Paradox

Agile coaches play a vital role in helping companies implement Agile into their ways of working. Coaches may be internal employees of a company, or contractors providing these services on an on-demand basis. In both cases, their goal is to help clients diagnose organizational and interpersonal challenges, and make suggestions on how to use Agile to overcome them.

The day-to-day of an Agile coach depends largely from coach to coach and organization to organization. Sometimes, their tasks involve teaching new techniques to large teams; other times, they might help set objectives for an organization, or mentor managers.

5 Keys to Successfully Implement Team Topologies in Your Organization

Effective software teams are essential for any organization to deliver value continuously and sustainably. But this effectiveness is, oftentimes, hard to attain. 

In their book “Team Topologies,” Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais present a “practical, step-by-step adaptive model for organization design and team interaction, where team structures and communication pathways are able to evolve together with technological and organizational maturity.”

Scaling Agile Frameworks: Creating Solutions or Problems?

When the Agile Manifesto was published in 2001, it brought together several lightweight methods under one umbrella term. Agile methodologies have since been widely adopted across technology companies, as they bring effective benefits in guiding the development and delivery of high-quality, working software.

However, Agile methodologies were designed for small teams, often between five and nine members. So what happens when companies take over massive projects that require dozens or even hundreds of people working towards one common goal? How can you apply Agile methodologies to such an environment? And how do you do it while maintaining both the quality of your output and the best practices within your team?

WorkerB Developer Automation From LinearB

“The most powerful tool we have as developers is automation.”
—Scott Hanselman

Developers automate everything about how we write, test and ship code. But when it comes to the process of how we work together as a team on projects, it’s highly manual.  

How an Ancient Japanese Belief Could Be the Missing Piece in Coaching Your Agile Team

Every time I travel to Japan, something that strikes me is how process-driven the Japanese people and culture seem to be. Even something as simple as buying a train ticket is an intricately refined process. The ticket seller first makes sure they have heard and understood you correctly, repeating back your exact request before they print the tickets. And once they’re printed out, they will pick up a pen and check each detail of the ticket — before going through each check again with you. You will be given exact and clear instructions on how to locate the platform and when to expect the train. And you’ll notice that when the train arrives and stops at the platform, the driver also has a checklist they will diligently follow. It’s incredible to observe, but not arbitrary — they do this because they have found it reduces error rates by up to 85% and ensures everything runs smoothly.

You might be wondering what Japan has to do with successfully coaching teams, particularly within an Agile framework. And the answer is Shu Ha Ri. This Japanese concept, roughly translated to “first learn, then detach, and finally, transcend” (or more simply: walk, run, fly) is a way of thinking about the stages of learning from beginner to master — and a key philosophy used in the martial art Aikido. Working in an Agile way requires much learning of new rituals, processes, and different ways of thinking, so if you are a scrum master, this concept can be a very useful one for understanding and guiding you in how to be a better team coach and ensuring that each project runs just as smoothly (and to time) as a bullet train.