How To Hire Remote Developers Successfully

There are many aspects to consider when you want to hire remote developers: the candidate’s technical and soft skills, the region where you hire, how to find a developer, hiring format, and many more. Here, we’ll talk about what a developer needs to work efficiently in the remote format, as well as how to check if this work is efficient. 

Ask an HR manager about what is important for a remote developer and most likely you will hear that this person should be independent, organized, self-disciplined, structured, etc. That sounds reasonable, but what hides behind these names in reality? Let’s take a thorough look at the candidate requirements from a practical perspective. 

Pareto Principle: Using the 80/20 Rule for Priority Management

Most people feel 'time-poor' — too many things to do and not enough time to do them. When it comes to time management, you want a simple formula to help you determine where you should be prioritizing your time.

In this article, learn how to use the Pareto Principle as a framework for priority management to help you focus on the tasks and habits that make the most significant contribution to your personal and professional well-being.

Design Implementation With App Development


We’ve all been there when we have to manually redline our designs so developers know exactly what our perfect designs are actually showing; we have even tried sending over source files for our devs to use when implementing. But isn’t there a better way of sending over detailed design information? 

There are ways we can make markups easier and a way of disseminating this information quicker and more efficiently. This is of the utmost importance; if a developer doesn’t have all the information in front of them they will not spend precious time digging around for important information, a good handoff is a detailed project with information to hand or directly on top of the designs for quick implementation.

Top 5 Gantt Chart Libraries for Vue.js

Nowadays, the software market offers a variety of ready-made planning and scheduling tools for projects of any complexity level, but these solutions may include excessive functionalities or lack some necessary features. That is why many companies prefer to invest in the development of web-based custom solutions. And it is not surprising, as there is a large and constantly growing number of advanced JavaScript libraries and frameworks allowing web developers to build a feature-packed app that will precisely cover all the needs of any given project. 

In this article, we will consider the top 5 Gantt libraries for Vue-based applications. A Gantt chart is arguably one of the most popular tools for managing projects in various industries, while Vue.js is a lightweight and easy-to-use JavaScript framework that has gained remarkable popularity since its launch in 2014. During the review of selected Gantt libraries, we will pay special attention to the following aspects: key functional capabilities, documentation completeness, availability of demo materials, and license options.

Top 4 Gantt Chart Solutions for React

React has gained considerable popularity among both web enthusiasts and large enterprises that value high performance and reliable web applications. Currently, there’s no shortage of React components of different levels of complexity. Today, we’d like to shed some light on a specific kind of such tools — React Gantt charts. 

To make this article useful for the broadest possible public, we’ll focus on two types of Gantt charts. First of all, we’ll take a look at lightweight charts that provide basic functionality and can fit small companies. After that, we’ll consider those that offer dozens of features and can be a good choice for large companies. Such management tools suit well for complex projects and help to ensure that no detail will escape the attention of a project manager.

Tim Ferriss and the Four-Hour Workweek: How to Escape the 9-5 Routine

Tim Ferris came out with his famous (read: controversial) book, The four-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich in 2007. The book has sold more than 1.3 million copies and has been translated into 35 languages. Not only this, but the book has also been a New York Times bestseller for more than four years.

The core idea behind the book is to work less and make more money. Pretty much like the saying "work smarter, not harder."

10 Task Management Skills and Tips to Manage Workload Like a Boss

Our daily lives revolve around a certain number of tasks that we identify along the way to achieve our ambitions and SMART goals. In the struggle to be at the top of our game and retaining our competitive edge, we often bite more than we can chew.

Although everything seems of high priority, something goes amiss in this race of getting things done and keeping your head. Some of us create a long to-do list to accomplish – before a certain time period or a certain age. Others spend so much time perfecting a single task that by the time it shines, it is obsolete.