Comparing Synthetic Monitoring Products

As we look forward to 2021, Synthetic Monitoring continues to be as important as ever in understanding the performance of your app or website. But your synthetic monitoring is only as good as the tool you're using and there are a lot of product choices. Since selecting the best one for you is critical, the choice can be overwhelming. Price, setup ease, accuracy, and more play a part in the best solution. 

In this article, I reviewed six popular synthetic monitoring choices:, UptimeRobot, StatusCake, Site24x7, Pingdom, and DataDog, and applied several measurements against them in a real-world situation to see how each product performed. Then, I set up a typical example of deployment on DigitalOcean and ran tests for five days against each product. Finally, I collected the metrics and compared them against one another to determine which tool was the best.  

Real-User Monitoring Vs. Synthetic Monitoring: Which One’s Best for You?

Every online business owner has woken up in cold sweat from this nightmare at least once in their life: you see your perfect customer, they are in their office, it’s after-lunch hours, and they are entering your website ready to spend a few hundred dollars. But… your website isn’t loading. They get a 503 error, close the tab, and flash-forward 3 minutes later, they purchase from your competitor and forget about your existence. 

What could have saved you from losing a client? “Web performance monitoring!” – we say.