What Mac App Developers Can Expect In 2021

Every year since 2016, when I started working on Setapp — a platform now offering over 200 top Mac apps in a single subscription — we’ve conducted a comprehensive survey of Mac developers around the world to improve market perception and monitor emerging trends.

The Mac Developers Survey of 2020 continued this tradition, with a few adjustments to get at the unique ways such an unprecedented year affected the community. 

Finding #3: Large Companies Are Burdened by Cumbersome Open Source Approval Processes

In June of 2020, Tidelift fielded our annual managed open-source survey of technologists who use open source to build applications at work. Over 600 people shared how they use open source software today, what holds them back, and what tools and strategies would help them use it even more effectively.

In this post, we share the third of nine key findings. If you don’t wait to wait for the rest of the results, you can download the full survey report right now.