Why Subdomains For Multisite Is A Very Bad Idea

Aaargh… which is better: subdomains vs. subdirectories?! One site says we have to use subdomains for Multisite, and another says, No way, that’s wrong”. What’s a dev supposed to do?

… Or a WordPress user.

… Or an eCommerce business owner.

Will the controversy ever end?

Deciding between subdomains and subdirectories for your Multipress site is a loaded question. We know. We’ve been working through this same issue since we started in 2005.

So let’s settle this debate right here, right now, and once and for all. At least as far as using WordPress Multisite is concerned.

In this post, I’m going to show you that the WordPress multisite subdomain vs subdirectory debate can only end badly for poor old subdomains. In fact, subdomains are gonna get more battered and sucker-punched in this fight than a platter of deep-fried calamari.

Scene from Calamari Wrestler movie

Stop wrestling with the WordPress multisite subdomain vs subdirectory argument… we’re gonna settle it once and for all!
(Source: The Calamari Wrestler)

Who Thinks A WordPress Multisite Subdomain Network Is A Good Idea?

If you haven’t caught up on this fight yet, on one side of the ring we have WordPress Multisite, a beast of a feature that lets you set up an entire network of WordPress sites or blogs using just one installation.

On the opposite side of the ring, there’s WordPress Multisite Subdomains vs Subdirectories, a two-headed monster locked into a perennial battle with itself for supreme domain-ation. Yeah, I know, crazy right?

Now, here’s the thing…

Web developers and weekend WordPress warriors (and worriers) keep searching online for the definitive answer to questions like:

  • Which is better for setting up WordPress websites, subdomains or subdirectories?
  • Which is better for installing WP Multisite, subdomains or subdirectories?
  • Which is better for website SEO, subdomains or subdirectories?
  • Which is better for [insert anything here], subdomains or subdirectories?

Are you getting the picture now?

The Difference Between a Subdirectory and a Subdomain

If you’re brand new and just walked into the arena looking to smell blood, subdirectories look like this: exampledomain.com/subdirectory, and subdomains look like this: subdomain.exampledomain.com.

In a Multisite installation, you have the choice of setting up sites like this:

Subdomain: site1.exampledomain.comsite2.exampledomain.comsite3.exampledomain.com, etc.

Or like this:

Subdirectory: exampledomain.com/site1exampledomain.com/site2exampledomain.com/site3, etc.

To find out which is the better option for WordPress Multisite, we can turn to the following sources:

  1. The Creator
  2. The Ruler
  3. The Experts
  4. The Truth

Wait, what?

Ask The Creator: Subdomain vs Subdirectory For WordPress Multisite?

Tim Berners Lee invented the World Wide Web and when he was done he said it was good and would be open to everyone.

He sure didn’t see WordPress Multisite coming, did he?

So, he’s no good to referee this fight … next!

Ask The Ruler

Here’s what Google’s Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller said in reply to the evergreen question of which is more beneficial for SEO: subdomains or subfolders …

“Google Search is fine with using either subdomains or subdirectories.”

Okay… that’s succinctly put. But really, who cares what Google thinks of your website?

All this does is raise more questions (like “will subdomains increase my AdSense earnings?”) from users who will never ‘crack’ Google’s secret algorithm.

So, let’s ding the bell. Round Three!

Ask The Experts

The great thing about asking experts is that while they may not give us definitive answers, they certainly create neato lists.

Let’s go for a quick couple of rounds with the experts and do a recap of the Pros and Cons of using WordPress Multisite as the undercard, followed by the main event of the Pros and Cons of using subdomains vs subfolders in a WordPress Multisite network.

The Pros Of Using WordPress Multisite

  • You can run a network of sites or blogs with one WordPress installation. This makes it easier to manage and administer multiple sites.
  • You can install themes and plugins once and share these across the network. This makes updating themes and plugins easier and saves time (imagine having to update the same theme and plugins on multiple WordPress installations)
  • You can build a business selling hosted websites for all kinds of uses and charge fees and subscriptions while administering everything from a central location.

When Not To Use WordPress Multisite

  • Managing multiple client sites on a WordPress Multisite installation can be a hassle, especially if they decide later they want to host their site with their own hosting provider, install their own themes or plugins, etc. Unless you’re building a network of sites that will share similar functionality, don’t choose WordPress Multisite to manage very different types of websites.
  • Sites on a Multisite installation cannot have their own separate database or IP addresses. So, don’t use WP Multisite if your sites need separate databases or IP addresses.
  • Some hosting companies don’t provide the necessary server requirements for WordPress Multisite or don’t support Multisite on all plans.  If this is the case where you’re currently hosting and you’re not willing to switch hosting providers, don’t use WP Multisite. Check out our behind-the-scenes account of what it takes to host WordPress Multisite on a serious scale.

For a more in-depth look at the pros and cons of using WordPress Multisite instead of running multiple WordPress installations, read our Ultimate Guide To WordPress Multisite.

When To Use Subdomains

  • Websites on subdomains can have their own design, different plugins, etc.
  • Subdomains keep things on the same domain separate. This can help with branding if you have different products or sell to different regions or want to keep different areas of your business separate (e.g. support.example.com or members.example.com).
  • It doesn’t cost more to add additional subdomains, so you save money on domain names.

The Cons Of Using Subdomains

  • Subdomains are an entirely different website.
  • According to John Mueller, Google may take a little longer to figure out that you’re using subdomains instead of subfolders, so building links to pages in subdomains takes longer and requires more effort.
  • If you don’t have enough content on sites set up on subdomains, you could probably squeeze more juice from your content by keeping it grouped using subdirectories.
  • Some services or tools that charge per website might charge you for each subdomain separately (whereas subdirectories would just be counted as one).
  • Subdomains have limitations and challenges around SSL support. You will most likely be required to purchase a more expensive Wildcard SSL certificate.
  • Subdomains can affect hosting performance and increase security risks (explained further below).

Why You Should Use Subdirectories

  • Subdirectories create a unified feel for all sites hosted under the domain. Everything looks like it is part of the same domain.
  • You don’t have to worry about creating new domains or allowing wildcard domains via your hosting provider.
  • It feels more intuitive for users searching your site. Which do you think users will remember more easily? yoursite.com/support vs support.yoursite.com.
  • It can be easier for site development and marketing, especially if you are not an experienced web developer or internet marketer.

Drawback Of Using Subdirectories

  • None.

Okay, so maybe a teeny, tiny weensy concern regarding using subdirectories would be if –and this is a very long iiiifffff — if a site created on a subfolder matched the slug of a post or page on your main domain.

For example, let’s say you create a site at mysecretfamilyrecipes.com and add a page called “Children Make Nutritious Snacks” with the URL mysecretfamilyrecipes.com/children-make-nutritious-snacks. You then create a Multisite network and allow users to set up their own sites on subdirectories.

Someone comes along and creates a site called “Children Make Nutritious Snacks.” This would then have a URL of mysecretfamilyrecipes.com/children-make-nutritious-snacks.

Yes, that’s a problem.

The Truth Of Why Using Subdomains With Multisite Is A Bad Idea

While SEO experts continue to endlessly debate the benefits of using subdomains vs subdirectories, let me just cut to the chase and get to the painful truth.

A scene from television series Outlander - Jamie gets flogged by Black Jack
Why create a rod for your back with subdomains?

Yes, the truth hurts, but you need to hear it, so here it is:

Why would you create a rod for your own back by using subdomains?

According to conventional wisdom, we should use subdomains to keep things separate from the root domain and subfolders to keep related things together.

According to the wisdom of Google’s John Mueller, however …

Google may take a little longer to figure out that you’re using subdomains instead of subfolders, but in the long-term, it makes no difference which one you pick.

If it makes no difference which one you pick, why pick the more difficult option that takes Google longer to figure out?

And if you buy into the “subdomains improve branding” argument, do cool consumers and chilled users really care whether they go to princess.disney.com or disney.com/princess to buy their Frozen merchandise? No … so let it go. Let. It. Go. (Even Disney switched from subdomains to subdirectories.)

You can join discussion groups (or comment, like in the comments down below), and debate the subtleties of WordPress multisite subdomain vs subdirectory SEO benefits ad nauseam. But eventually, everything will boil down to time and money where “management” is time and “security” is money.

WP Multisite Subdomains Require More Management Time

Every subdomain you add to your Multisite network is an entirely different website.

Websites installed on subdomains require more server resources to manage and should be seen as separate businesses.

Managing subdomains on a multisite installation also requires other time-consuming tasks (for example, you’ll need to add each subdomain as a separate website property in Google Search Console).

Let me show you an example of the kind of crazy management involved in running a Multisite network I’m talking about.

Look at Harvard University’s website …

Harvard University Website
Harvard University Website – https://www.harvard.edu.

Universities are a perfect example of sites that can benefit from WordPress multisite. If we take a look at how they have structured their web presence, however, it will make your head spin.

Harvard’s website uses subfolders to send visitors to many of the key sections listed on their home page and keep things grouped together under their main domain. For example:

  • Faculty – harvard.edu/faculty
  • Staff – harvard.edu/staff
  • Students – harvard.edu/students
  • Parents – harvard.edu/parents
  • Visitors – harvard.edu/on-campus/visit-harvard
  • Media – harvard.edu/media-relations

If you explore the University’s sitemap, however, we find that many departments host websites using subdomains:

  • Alumni – alumni.harvard.edu
  • Community – community.harvard.edu
  • College – college.harvard.edu
  • Dental – hsdm.harvard.edu
  • Faculty of Arts & Sciences – fas.harvard.edu
  • Law – law.harvard.edu
  • Library – library.harvard.edu
  • Medical – hms.harvard.edu

Some of Harvard’s museums not only run sites under their own subdomains but some even appear to have subdomains under subdomains. For example:

  • Semitic Museum – semiticmuseum.fas.harvard.edu
  • Fisher Museum At Harvard Forest – harvardforest.fas.harvard.edu

Additionally, some parts of Harvard’s web presence, like its WordPress Multisite Blogs network (blogs.harvard.edu) have sites installed in subdirectories of a subdomain:

  • Harvard Blockchain Lab – blogs.harvard.edu/blockchain
  • Clinical And Pro Bono Programs – blogs.harvard.edu/clinicalprobono
  • Travel Experience – http://blogs.harvard.edu/travelexperience
Harvard University Blogs Section
Harvard University Blogs – http://blogs.harvard.edu.

While the above setup is fine for large organizations and institutions like Harvard and many other universities, can you see how many separate site installations have to be managed? It takes a huge amount of resources to manage this.

If you have anything less than infinite resources available, and either option of using subdomains or subdirectories will get you the same result, wouldn’t you choose the more cost-effective option that is also easier to manage? It would surely hurt your business less, wouldn’t it?

Speaking of ways to avoid getting flogged, let’s take a look at the other main reason why choosing subdomains in a multisite network are a very bad idea.

WP Multisite Subdomains Increase Security Risks

We host millions of sites across our Edublogs, CampusPress, and Enterprise WordPress Multisite Hosting platforms.

We host millions of sites on Edublogs… and we should have known better!

Ronnie Burt, who heads up our hosting and education services, says that edublogs.org is an example of a subdomain install and that the team often “regrets doing it this way.”

Here are some of the reasons Ronnie cites for regretting using subdomains on Edublogs and other networks that we host:

  • Subdomains have limitations and challenges around SSL support. One of these challenges is that in order to serve your domain over HTTPS, either a ‘Wildcard’ SSL certificate for your domain or a certificate that covers all domains and subdomains that you plan to use must be uploaded with additional expense. Plus, when domain mapping is introduced, this gets really complicated fast.
  • Subdomains usually see higher legitimate bot and crawler traffic, which can increase load and decrease performance (or require higher hosting plans). *
  • Subdomains, in our experience, can make it harder and more expensive to prevent and mitigate DDOS attacks.
  • Other issues include incompatibility with most cloud WAFs or CDNs (Cloudflare, Sucuri, StackPath, etc.)

* This is because bots and crawlers see each subdomain as a separate WordPress install and may crawl each subdomain simultaneously. So, if they are probing for a bunch of exploits or a credential stuffing attack, they will attempt it again and again for every single subdomain, often in parallel. It’s hard enough for a single WordPress site to handle this kind of a load from bots, but multiply that by 10, 100, or 1000 sites and you will have major problems.

The same is true for web crawlers like Googlebot. These adjust their crawl speed per domain to what your site can handle. But with subdomains, they see each site as different, and so can overwhelm your server resources.

Our CEO, James Farmer also expresses his regret for choosing to use a subdomain for the WPMU DEV site, but those reasons have mostly to do with how unsexy our subdomain URL looks. On this point, it should be noted that you can change WordPress Multisite to subdirectories or subdomains without errors. It’s preferable that you don’t, though, and it’s best if you pick one and then stay with it.

Also, if “sexy” is what you are looking for in your domains, domain mapping can take care of your problems.

The Verdict: Subdomains Are A Very Bad, No Good Idea

Learn from our mistakes. If you plan to set up a WordPress Multisite network and are struggling to choose between using subdomains or subdirectories for your sites, look beyond the SEO arguments, which Google claims is just a moot point anyway.

Pick the option that will cause you less pain and save you time and money managing it all.

And if you still can’t decide, go with the option that looks more sexy.

The No-Plugin Guide for a Multilingual WordPress Site Using Multisite

Don’t let the limits of language limit your website’s reach on the World Wide Web. People from all over the world visit your website. If you’re serving content in only one language, you’re pushing many interested visitors away.

Having a multilingual site has its perks. It lets you connect with an international audience and bring in new customers. A multi-language site also gives you a competitive edge. If there’s a potential multilingual market for your business, and your competitors aren’t taking advantage of that, you definitely need to go for it!

“Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Create a network of your site in different languages.

Creating a multilingual WordPress site isn’t hard with so many plugins out there.

But not so fast, my plugin-addicted friends! For this feat, I’ve moved away from multilingual plugins towards the Multisite of things.

A WordPress Multisite is like a network of many individual WordPress sites, all distinct yet connected together by a single WordPress core. This means that you don’t have to fuss about endless WordPress configurations to add or tweak a new language.

The power of the building a plugin-less multilingual site lies in WordPress Multisite.

In this post, you’ll learn how to create your own multilingual WordPress site without plugins…from scratch!

And I promise, it’ll be as easy as pie.

Creating A WordPress Multisite With Subdomains

WordPress Multisite lets you create multiple sites using the same installation. I’ll be implementing a French version (sacrilege!) of my website here, so I’ll be coding along with you.

Need help with setting up WordPress multisite subdomains? Go through our in-depth Multisite guide to get all caught up.

Why Subdomains?

After setting up your Multisite, the next step is to set up a subdomain. A subdomain is part of your parent domain, while the subdirectory is a folder within it.

For instance, fr.ioanadragnef.com is a subdomain, while ioanadragnef.com/fr is a subdirectory. If you need a quick refresher, we’ve covered the differences between Multisite subdomains vs. subdirectories in another post.

I’ll setup my website so that my French users can see their language code as a subdomain (i.e. fr.ioanadragnef.com). And since I have set my WordPress site up for over a month, I have to use the subdomain option. However, this restriction is only for the initial Multisite setup. You can easily switch between the network types afterwards.

You can set up a subdomain from either your hosting provider or from within WordPress. If you do it from within WordPress, you must change some DNS records to allow creation of wildcard subdomains.

Setting Up A New Language Site

I will create a French version of my site by going to My Sites > Network Admin > Sites, and selecting Add New.

Enter the fields at the prompt and choose a subdomain for your new site. If you’re making a multilingual WordPress site, it makes sense to have the subdomain be the language code (e.g. fr for French), but you can make it whatever you want.

Add your chosen language subdomain to your new site.

Be careful not to change the Site Language option here if you don’t speak the language. This will only change the language of your admin dashboard.

Once you’ve added the site, you’ll see it in the My Sites drop-down menu. You can manage it the same way you do the other by adding plugins, themes, and content.

Installing Your Theme And Adding Content

Once you’ve configured your subdomain, you’ll want to install the theme of your main website to your other-language site.

Remember, both the sites have to look as identical to each other as possible, which means using the same theme, brand colors, plugins, menus, etc. This way it won’t be confusing to your visitors when they switch the language.

The next step is to translate and add my content.

My website is fairly succinct, so luckily there’s not much to translate. However, if you’ve got a lot of pages, there are shortcuts—you can use the Multisite Post Duplicator or NS Cloner plugins.

Now, I know I mentioned earlier that this will be a no-plugin multilingual WordPress site, but we’ve completed that already. The plugins recommended above are for helping you with laying down your translated pages and posts.

Translating Your Content

Now you have a Multisite, a subdomain, you’ve configured your content and website structure. It’s time to get translatin’!

Even with significant advances in machine translation tech, there’s still no match for human translators. If you want details and nuance in your translations (and you should), I recommend getting professional help. Upwork and Fiverr are some platforms where you can hire skilled translators in various international languages at a great price.

But if you still want to go for automated translations, there are a few WordPress translation plugins that you can use to get it done easily.

Configuring Custom Menus

Once your website is ready and translated, all you have to do is add a link to it in your original-language website (i.e. your main network site). This way, your readers can switch back and forth between the various languages available!

To do this, we’ll be creating a custom menu. Since I’m only using a single language, I’ll link to the French version of my site in my menu.

To create a custom link within your website’s primary menu, go to Appearance > Menus, and then edit your main menu.

Under Custom Links, enter the URL of the subdomain and the navigation label. Now add the custom link to the menu via the Add to Menu button.

Custom links
Custom links within your existing site menu are best if you’re only using a single language.

Custom Menu For Multiple Languages

If you want to create a menu that contains multiple languages, create a new menu and add multiple custom links with the various language subdomains.

For example, if I want a Languages menu that has both French and Spanish, first I’ll create a new Languages menu.

I’ll then add my French and Spanish subdomains under different custom links, and use the name of the language as the navigation label.

Congratulations! You’ve now built a multilingual WordPress Multisite with no plugins.

One Egg Is Not Une Oeuf

A multilingual site enables you to reach more readers than ever before. It makes you look more professional and open you up to new opportunities. And since you’ve created your multilingual site via Multisite, you have more control over your sites than if you’d just used a plugin.

Using Multisite to do it has many advantages for you, the main of which is giving you ultimate control over your site. It allows you to create, tweak, and present your translated content however you want.

The trick here to avoid multilingual plugins is to use a Multisite along with a custom menu to direct your readers to the right subsites.

It’s never too late to add a new language to your site. After all, in the game of tongues, you either Spanish or Vanish!