What Is, Why We Need, and How to Do Data Synchronization

Present-day organizations have complex business requirements. The data can be in several locations. System migrations happen frequently due to technology changes. Integration happens with several platforms that are nowadays referred to as hybrid platforms. This article briefly describes the deployment types, why they have been implemented in such a way, their limitations, and how to overcome them using data synchronization with the help of WSO2 Streaming Integrator.

What Is Data Synchronization?

In simple terms, data synchronization is about synchronizing all data instances used by devices or applications by maintaining consistency and accuracy. Any change that happens to a particular data instance is reflected in the other data instances in near real time. In addition, data synchronization results in cost-efficiency, high performance, data security, data consistency, and accuracy for an organization.

Change Data Capturing With WSO2 Streaming Integrator

Streaming integration is becoming one of the core components under the enterprise integration stack. Unlike traditional batch integration, streaming integration allows performing ETL operations upon data in real-time and provides results. This empowers businesses by allowing them to act upon fresh data and draw decisions as soon as the data is produced.

But from where does this data produce? Most of the time, this streaming data is being produced from various data sources such as applications, sensors, etc. And in some cases, well-known data sources such as RDBMS can participate in producing such streaming data. This is where the CDC, a.k.a change data capture comes into the picture.