Working With Stored Procedures Using dotConnect for Oracle


A stored procedure comprises a set of SQL statements and PL/SQL constructs that are grouped together. Stored procedures, as well as functions, can have input, output as well as input/output parameters. dotConnect for Oracle provides excellent support for working with stored procedures.

It is a fast, scalable ORM for Oracle from Devart that is built on top of ADO.NET and provides you an opportunity to connect to and work with Oracle databases from your .NET or .NET Core applications. You can use this framework in your WinForms, WPF, ASP.NET, and ASP.NET Core applications.

Going Serverless With Oracle Stored Procedures

Serverless computing promises greater scalability, faster development, more efficient deployment, and lower cost.

But the benefits of going serverless can feel out of reach for companies that rely heavily on Oracle stored procedures: named PL/SQL blocks which perform specific tasks and are commonly used for building complex enterprise applications on top of relational databases.

Invoking Stored Procedure With Oracle Abstract Data Type Parameters in Mule 4

This article describes the steps that need to be followed in order to invoke a stored procedure with complex Abstract Data Type as IN, OUT, and IN OUT parameter in Mule 4.

The lack of documentation to handle ADT payloads while invoking stored procedures and technical issues while retrieving the ADT response in mule run time 4.x.x discouraged developers using mulesoft for the purpose.

How to Write Simple, Powerful Script Data Sources for BIRT Reports

1. Preface: JVM-Based SQL Functions and Stored Procedures

Some databases, such as MySQL, don’t have analytic functions. Some others, such as Vertica, don’t support stored procedures. They turn to external Python, R script, or other languages to deal with complicated data computations. But the scripting languages and Java, the mainstream programming language, are integration-unfriendly. Often, a lengthy Java script that tries to replace SQL functions or stored procedures aims at achieving a certain computing goal and is unreusable.

It’s not easy to implement complicated logics even with analytic functions. Here’s a common computing task: Find the first N customers whose sales account for half of the total sum and sort them by amount in descending order. Oracle implements it this way: