5 Common Step Functions Issues

Step Functions, the serverless finite state machine service from AWS. With DynamoDB, Lambda, and API Gateway, it forms the core of serverless AWS services. If you have tasks with multiple steps and you want to ensure they will get executed in the proper order, Step Functions is your service of choice.

It offers direct integrations with many AWS services, so you don’t need to use Lambda Functions as glue. This can improve the performance of your state machine and lower its costs.

AWS Lambda Error Handling

In this article, we’ll be discussing everything you need to know about the basics of AWS Lambda error handling and some popular methods using StepFunctions and X-Ray. Regardless if you’re an AWS Lambda expert or if you’re a new Lambda user, there’s always something new to learn. You’ve probably already encountered Lambda errors that may seem pretty challenging since the mechanism that runs Lambda retries will often make it incredibly difficult to follow up on changes that occur within your serverless application.

Serverless is not all about straightforward execution of code on Lambda function, but it’s a different type of architecture of your entire system. Distributed nodes within this architecture that are activated thanks to asynchronous events are what makes this system.

The Ultimate Guide to AWS Step Functions

The use of serverless computing has become a must nowadays, and some of you may already know a thing or two about Amazon Web Services like Lambda Functions, Step Functions, and other services AWS provides. However, if this is the first time you hear about them – fantastic!

In this article, we’ll discuss AWS Step Functions, what they are used for, how to use them, and the advantages or disadvantages that they bring.