Introduction to Static Sites, Static Site Generators, and Jekyll

The modern web development (by “modern” we mean one that’s been taking place in the last ~5 years) seems to be heavily into dynamic content. As the internet progressed from simple HTML pages to dynamic web apps, the benefits of dynamic web technologies became ever so clear. Nowadays, web apps like YouTube, Google Maps, and Figma are gradually bridging the gap between web and native software (and technologies like WebAssembly are playing a huge part in this process).

Still, we shouldn’t disregard static websites. Even though they can’t boast rich functionality, their advantages lie in other areas. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at a static site generator called Jekyll and analyze the benefits that you’ll get when using any static website.

How to Build а Landing Page With GatsbyJS

GatsbyJS is a JavaScript framework built upon the React framework and integrates Webpack with GraphQL to give you an awesome development experience.

As a beginner, if you are not willing to go through the stress of learning the React.js framework or GraphQL, GatsbyJS is a suitable starting point for you. Moreover, it has detailed documentation to transform you from a beginner to an expert in a short time.