9 Signs You May Be a Bad Manager


If you have worked long enough, chances are you have encountered a bad manager yourself. What was it about them that irked you the most — were they unforgiving, critical, demanding, abusive, aggressive, neglectful, grumpy, lousy, or plain inept? Was it their attention-seeking behavior, attitude to blame and insult others, inability to trust, or lack of integrity that caused you the most mental agony? 

Yes, bad managers suck so much emotional and mental energy from their people that there isn’t any energy left to do real work. The hard truth is as more and more time is spent on “pleasing the boss” and “dealing with their tantrums,” there’s less time left to do any quality work.  

Benefits of Serverless For Startups

The popularity of hiring vendors for handling application backend has spiked tremendously over the last 5 years. On the one hand, startup owners go serverless to save infrastructure costs and pay for resources as they go. As the company scales, relying on third-party vendors allows getting access to backend resources as quickly as possible.

Although implementing cloud-based infrastructures is mainly popular among startup owners, large-scale companies use distributed architectures as well. Amazon Polly, for one, fully relies on AWS for project support.

How Cloud and DevOps Are Helping the Remote Working World Today?

With companies adjusting their entire remote workforce into a new normal, the IT industry still struggles to maintain its productivity and workflows. In the present times, remote teams should be more agile, ready to adapt, and efficient to easily manage their IT infrastructure from remote locations.

To eliminate this restriction, businesses need to understand the true potential of the DevOps and Cloud environment.

Best Website Examples that Use Startup App

This article is a case study in websites built using Startup app. We have compiled an assorted collection of outstanding examples in order to show its range of possibilities and scope of use. No one can argue that the number …

Top 10 SaaS Growth Lessons From Dropbox in 2020

Dropbox is one of the few SaaS companies that managed to achieve that sort of SaaS growth in such a short time.

It has a well-known story in the SaaS world – being in the spotlight as one of the fastest-growing cloud services in the world. Founded by Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowski in 2007, Dropbox has continued its fast and wild growth ever since.

How AI Can Turn Traditional Businesses Into Stand-Out Enterprises

Artificial Intelligence is emerging as a key factor within the finance industry, toward increasing revenues, and toward achieving business goals. From providing value-based business strategies, improved customer experiences, increased revenue generation, and reduced costs, AI is establishing itself as a significant technological advancement to achieving business success. Top management is now viewing AI to assess business areas that are poised to substantially benefit through advanced analytics and deploying it to achieve the desired outcomes.

The natural evolution of technology for business benefits that took us from paperwork to the internet is now swiftly transforming toward AI, and the Finance industry is no exception. The heavy volumes of data involved in the finance sector make this technology a primary resource toward business benefits. The process of pattern establishment and identification is a key advantage that has attracted increasing attention toward the analytical capabilities of this technology. Although AI comes with innumerable benefits for the finance industry, there are also some concerns with regard to trust, bias, and regulatory compliance, hence it is prudent to view the technology as a means to assist human endeavors rather than the replacement of human involvement.