Stand-Up 2.0: It’s time to ditch the daily from 1993

The daily stand-up is broken. 

No wonder. It was invented almost 30 years ago and we're still running it the exact same way.

When daily stand-up meetings started in the early 90s, the software development process looked very different. Git didn't exist. Jira didn't exist. Collaboration tools didn't really exist. DevOps didn't exist. Automation tools didn't exist. Analytics tools didn't exist.

Managers: For Effective Stand Up Meetings, Do Your Homework

Stand up meetings don't have to be the worst. It just takes a little management preparation.
“The daily stand up meeting is not another meeting to waste people's time. It will replace many other meetings, giving a net savings several times its own length.” --  XP Rules

One of three things happens at every standup:

  1. Issues are omitted.