Configure SSO for CockroachDB Dedicated With Microsoft Identity Platform and OpenID


CockroachDB Dedicated is a fully-managed, reserved CockroachDB cluster ideal for a cloud database. We frequently get asked how to set up SSO for the individual CockroachDB Dedicated clusters and we have a detailed tutorial to walk you through that with a local, self-hosted cluster. What was unclear was that you can use the same steps to set up SSO with Dedicated. Based on this detailed document, CockroachDB Dedicated supports OIDC authentication for the DB Console today. In a future release, we are going to bring OIDC integration across the stack. Today, we're going to provide details on how to leverage OIDC specifically with the CockroachDB Dedicated DB Console and Microsoft using the OpenID Connect protocol.

Previous Articles on OpenID Connect

High-Level Steps

  • Provision a dedicated cluster
  • Configure Microsoft identity platform integration
  • Configure CockroachDB with the OpenID details
  • Verify

Step-by-Step Instructions

Provision a Dedicated Cluster

Follow this tutorial to set up a Dedicated cluster.

Configure Single Sign-On for CockroachDB Dedicated With Okta


CockroachDB Dedicated is a fully-managed, reserved CockroachDB cluster ideal for a cloud database. We frequently get asked how to set up SSO for the individual CockroachDB Dedicated clusters and we have a detailed tutorial to walk you through that with a local, self-hosted cluster. 

What was unclear was that you can use the same steps to set up SSO with Dedicated. Based on this detailed document, CockroachDB Dedicated supports OIDC authentication. Today, we're going to provide details on how to leverage OIDC specifically with the Dedicated offering and Okta OIDC.

Connecting Red Hat Single Sign-on on Openshift to an External Database

The Red Hat Single Sign-On or just RHSSO is an enterprise version of Keycloak, which is an open-source Identity and Access Management solution aimed at modern applications and services. 

In the last few days, I needed to install RHSSO on Openshift version 4.8, however, I needed to implement small customization in the database connection.  By default a non-ephemeral RHSSO installation uses an embedded installation of PostgreSQL database, however, I would change the type of database from PostgreSQL to MySQL, and even change the location of this one to the outside of Openshift.

How to Customize User Interface in Apereo CAS

In this article, we are going to see how to customize the user interfaces of a CAS application. 

As you may know already, we are dealing with WAR overlay installation of the CAS project. Within this overlay project, there are no view pages available for us to modify. So first of all, we need to bring down any CAS views which we need to modify into our overlay from the CAS source code.

Apereo CAS: Step by Step Guide To Implement a Custom Authentication Handler

As described in a previous article about getting an Apereo CAS application up and running, we used the default username and password to log in to the CAS. But in a real-world scenario, we need to implement some sort of mechanism to authenticate a user. It is more common to use an authentication handler for this purpose. In this article, we are going to look into the details of implementing a custom authentication handler in an Apereo CAS (hereafter it will be simply referred to as CAS) application.

Note: Additional implementational details are available inside the following code blocks as Java comments.

Configuring Anypoint Platform as an Azure AD Service Provider SSO

Configure Anypoint platform to use Azure AD as an external identity provider (IDP), including, Single Sign-on (SSO) and the mapping of Azure AD groups to Anypoint platform roles and role groups.

The article will help you through basic knowledge for incorporating Azure AD as an external identity provider to the Anypoint platform. It will also help to set the basic integration and SSO setup between Azure AD and the Anypoint platform.

Before we start, keep in mind that the Relying Party Trust will need to be created manually as we do not provide a metadata file (nor is its use supported). 

How SAML 2.0 Authentication Works and Why It Matters

What is SAML 2.0?

At its core, Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 is a means to exchange authorization and authentication information between services. SAML is frequently used to implement internal corporate single sign-on (SSO) solutions where the user logs into a service that acts as the single source of identity which then grants access to a subset of other internal services.

The advantage of adopting SAML/SSO from a security perspective is clear:

Implementing Single Sign-on Integration With SAML Providers Using C#

What Is Single Sign-on at All?

Suppose you have a web application that people are using to do one thing X, but you are doing it great. For example, it would be a web store allowing to order a custom T-shirt printing by uploading some funny and pretty images found on the internet.

You are looking for ways to extend its functionality by adding some more capabilities for your users, but you don't want to lose the focus on this thing that you are doing best of all. 

What Is Keycloak and What Does It Offer?

Application security is becoming a more and more important topic on a day-to-day basis. Unauthorized access to protected data can potentially cost millions of dollars in the form of various financial penalties. Almost every application needs some reliable tool to manage its users’ identities and accesses. There are a bunch of solutions on the market — both free and paid — that promise to provide such features. In today’s article, I will try to present you one of these tools, which as you probably guess from the title, will be Keycloak. I hope that this article will give you a better understating of its basics and why it may be profitable for you to get more familiar with it. As usual, I will start with a short description of what Keycloak exactly is.

Before we start — a quick disclaimer

4 Cloud Data Security Features to Reassure Nervous SMBs

For years now, it's been clear that cloud storage was going to eventually supplant most on-premises data storage architectures. At the enterprise level, it's already happened. But further down the ladder, among small businesses, that's not the case yet. Part of the reason for that is the fact that some 61% of small businesses believe that their data won't be safe in the cloud.

What's odd about that is the fact that small businesses, as a group, already face some of the biggest security challenges for their on-premises infrastructures. According to the latest Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report, small businesses now account for 28% of all successful data exfiltration events. That number increases each year because hackers now choose to go after the easiest possible targets – and they're it.

Mulesoft Anypoint Platform SSO Implementation (Auth0)

Identity Management: Anypoint Platform

You can configure identity management in the Anypoint Platform to set up users for single sign-on (SSO). There are two ways to configure identity management using one of the following single sign-on standards:

  • OpenID Connect: End-user identity verification by an authorization server including SSO

Integrate SSO With Spring Boot and OAuth 2.0

Integrate SSO with Spring Boot and OAuth 2.0.

Single sign-on (SSO) is the standard nowadays, regardless of industry or company size. It might be strange to think that SSO used to only be available to enterprise companies that could afford it. 

Today, with service providers like Okta and enabling technologies such as OpenID Connect (OIDC) and OAuth 2.0, developers can easily integrate SSO into their websites and apps

Learn How to Secure your ASP.NET MVC App with SSO

If you’re building custom applications owned by the same organization, there are many benefits of implementing single sign-on (SSO). You get shorter development time, increased security, and improved user experience. One of my favorite aspects of SSO is that instead of upgrading a large codebase all at once, you can do it a piece at a time.

What do I mean by that? Well, let's say you're looking to shift an app written in ASP.NET MVC 5 to ASP.NET Core MVC. You can do so by migrating each service at a time instead of rewriting the entire thing. You can then connect the two apps like they were one by enabling SSO. 

5 Google Cloud Security Best Practices

Google Cloud Platform security features cover a range of Google’s products and services, such as the popular G Suite applications. These products and services are built on one of the most secure data infrastructures in the world. But, it’s still your responsibility to make sure your Google apps security settings are set up properly. This is where these five Google Cloud security best practices come in handy.

1. Set Up Your Google Cloud Organizational Structure

When you first log in to your Google Admin console, everything will be grouped into a single organizational unit. Any settings you apply to this group will apply to all the users and devices in the organization. Planning out how you want to organize your organizational units and hierarchy before diving in will help you save time and create a more structured security strategy.