How to Fix Recovery Pending State in SQL Server Database

This post will explain why a database (DB) is tagged as a recovery pending. It will also discuss how to resolve the ‘SQL server database in recovery pending status' issue. You may fix the issue by running queries in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or by utilizing a professional SQL database recovery tool.

SQL Server Database States

How To Recover SQL Server FILESTREAM Enabled Database


Besides storing table-based data in SQL Server, you can also store Binary Large Object (BLOB) data as files using the SQL Server FILESTREAM feature. This feature allows the storing of the varbinary(max) objects onto the file system instead of placing them inside a database. However, you can create a database with a 'FILESTREAM' filegroup, allowing you to perform actions on the data stored in the file system using the database.

Sometimes, when saving files to a database using FILESTREAM in SQL Server, the files may turn corrupt. Also, modifying or deleting the files placed in the file system folder (as FILESTREAM data container) may result in consistency errors reported by DBCC CHECKDB. To fix the errors, you can try restoring the database to its original state. But if the backup is not available, repairing the FILESTREAM database using the DBCC CHECKDB command with the REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS option may help.

How to Restore SQL Server Master Database With or Without Backup

Despite being a popular relational database management system, SQL Server often encounters corruption and other issues. For this reason, SQL users often complain about being in trouble and unable to perform some simple tasks. However, it is not always the fault of SQL Server that the users cannot restore the SQL Server master database seamlessly. Sometimes, users do not have sufficient knowledge about the process either, and that is what stops them from successful database restoration. To reduce failed attempts from users, we will talk about restoring the SQL master database in this post. Continue reading to learn about the processes in detail.

Why Do You Need to Restore SQL Master Database?

Master database file (A.K.A. MDF file) is the main user database file that contains all the major data in it. If the database gets infected by a virus or encounters some other severe issue, it is the database file that gets affected in the beginning. In case of database corruption or some other errors, master database restoration is the only solution users are left with.