HTTP to SQL: Header Based Routing to a SQL Database

We had a request from a customer asking us if they could implement different integration logic depending on the header of a HTTP request. 

In this use case we will accept a payload via HTTP, inspect the header of the request and then depending on the value in the header, write the payload to a SQL database. 

TechTalks With Tom Smith: Distributed SQL Databases for Cloud-Native Environments

TechTalks With Tom Smith

I had the opportunity to meet with Karthik Ranganathan, Founder & CTO, Yugabyte during the Distributed SQL Summit in San Jose. Earlier in the week, they announced the general availability of Yugabyte DB 2.0, the 100% open-source, high-performance distributed SQL database for global, internet-scale applications.

Updates include PostgreSQL syntax and wire-protocol compatibility, high-performance benchmarks, Jepsen-tested correctness, and Oracle-to-Yugabyte migration utilities. With Yugabyte DB’s SQL API (YSQL) ready for production, organizations are able to move away from monolithic SQL systems like Oracle to a distributed SQL database that is both open source and cloud-native.

Creating Cosmos DB Resources Using ARM Templates

This week, we saw a significant update to the ARM template for Cosmos DB, which now allows us to create databases and containers. Up until now, we've only been able to create Cosmos DB accounts using templates, we then had to create the databases, containers, tables, etc. through PowerShell or the portal etc.

With this update, we are now able to deploy much more of our Cosmos setup with ARM templates, including databases, containers, graphs, namespaces, and tables. However, there are still some components we can't create with templates yet: