The Complete Guide on How to Conduct a Sprint Planning Meeting Like a Pro

Ever been a part of a Sprint planning meeting that seemed to last an eternity with no concrete conclusion achieved? Everyone has. And we are here to change that.

This article is all about teaching you how to conduct a Sprint planning meeting that will make your upcoming Sprints more effective, efficient, and, hopefully, less miserable. Let’s start at the very beginning.

Becoming a Scrum Master

A few days ago, I attended the two-day Martine Devos' Certified Scrum Master, Estimation & Planning Class at Skills Matter. I had the privilege of meeting and learning from Martine Devos, one of the best Scrum trainers in Europe. This also gave me the opportunity to discuss many aspects of the Scrum process.

A common sight during the Daily Standup.
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Becoming a Certified ScrumMaster shouldn’t be the goal of attending the course because certifications don’t make you a real Scrum Master. To become a Scrum Master you have to put the Scrum theory into practice.