Externalize Property File, Traditional War Deployment in Spring Boot

Sometimes we have to configure property files from outside of classpath so that anyone can access this file without looking into application. Spring boot provides many ways to configure this but most of them are used only if we read the property file from classpath if we are going to read from file system then it will not accessible and will get some error so now we are going to see how to overcome from this problem.

Spring-Boot Default Search for Property File Is

  1. /config subdirectory of the current directory
  2. The current directory
  3. A classpath /config package
  4. The classpath root

This is the standard order.

Spring Boot for Microservices: The New Age Framework for Your Apps

Microservices are those components of an app architecture that create a suite of systems. Many microservices combine as a suite to create a system that interacts through UIs (User Interfaces) with the users. Therefore, your application performance largely depends on microservices.

Springboot is an open-source framework based on the Java platform to create excellent microservices. It can help you build spring applications that can be used in the applications and are production-ready.

Memory Wasted by Spring Boot Application

Spring chickens and spring boots!

One of the widely wasted resources in the world today is Memory. Due to inefficient programming, a surprising (sometimes ‘shocking’) amount of memory is wasted. We see this pattern repeated in several enterprise applications. To prove this case, we conducted a small study.

Implementing the Outbox Pattern

Looking outside the box.

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The Problem Statement

Microservices often publish events after performing a database transaction. Writing to the database and publishing an event are two different transactions and they have to be atomic. A failure to publish an event can mean critical failure to the business process.