Using Java @Annotations to Build Full Spring Boot REST API

Here's more on building Java annotations for full Spring Boot REST APIs

This post aims to demonstrate important Java @annotations used to build a functional Spring Boot REST API. The use of Java annotation gives developers the capability to reduce the code verbosity by a simple annotation.

As an example, we can refer to a transaction. By the standard pro-grammatically process with a transaction template, this requires a more complex config and boilerplate code to write, while this can be achieved with a simple @Transactional declarative annotation.

Spring Sweets: Group Loggers With Logical Name [Snippet]

Spring Boot 2.1 introduced log groups. A log group is a logical name for one or more loggers. We can define log groups in our application configuration. Then, we can set the log level for a group, so all loggers in the group will get the same log level. This can be very useful to change a log level for multiple loggers that belong together with one setting. Spring Boot already provides two log groups by default: web and sql. In the following list, we see which loggers are part of the default log groups:

  • web: org.springframework.core.codec, org.springframework.http, org.springframework.web, org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.web, org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.ServletContextInitializerBeans
  • sql: org.springframework.jdbc.core, org.hibernate.SQL

To define our own log group, we must add in our application configuration the key followed by our log group name. Next, we assign all loggers that we want to be part of the group. Once we have defined our group, we can set the log level using the group name prefixed with the configuration key logging.level..