Building Applications With Spring AOP

Spring AOP gives us a cleaner approach to write code. It helps in segregating business logic and cross-cutting stuff. Some of the cross-cutting stuff are logging, security management, transaction management, etc.

By using AOP, we could also add more functionality to methods in a class, even though the source code is not available.

Migrating Spring Java Applications to Azure App Service (Part 1: DataSources and Credentials)

Originally published July 23, 2019

Running on the cloud is not only for cool new applications following 12-factor principles and coded to be cloud-native. Many applications could be converted to be cloud-ready with minimal adjustments — just to be able to run in the cloud environment. In the following few articles we will demonstrate how to address the most common migration items in legacy Spring applications — handling JNDI, and credentials, externalizing configuration, remote debugging, logging, and monitoring.