A Guide to Spring Framework Annotations

The Java programming language provided support for annotations from Java 5.0 onward. Leading Java frameworks were quick to adopt annotations, and the Spring Framework started using annotations from the 2.5 release. Due to the way they are defined, annotations provide a lot of context in their declaration.

Prior to annotations, the behavior of the Spring Framework was largely controlled through XML configuration. Today, the use of annotations provide us tremendous capabilities in how we configure the behaviors of the Spring Framework.

Don’t Complicate Spring Controllers With Commotions

@Controller Implementing Interface

You may get into the problem as described below

The mapped controller method class 'com.xyz.ABController'is not an instance of the actual controller bean instance 'com.sun.proxy.$Proxy108'.
If the controller requires proxying (e.g. due to @Transactional), please use class-based proxying.

Effective Advice on Spring Async: Part 1

As per the current trend, I see developers from Juniors to Seniors all using Spring Boot as their weapon of choice to build software. The fact that it is developer friendly and its "convention over configuration" style helps the developer to only focus on business logic. If they are unsure as to how Springs works, just reviewing a Spring Boot tutorial can allow one to start using Spring Boot — it's that easy.

Another part of Spring Boot that I like is that developers do not have to know Spring's inner details — just put some annotations in, write the business code, and voila! With that said, sometimes, you have to know how it works. What I am trying to say is that you need to know your tool better so you can utilize it like a pro.