Adopting Vue.js for Angular Geeks

In the past decade, Javascript frameworks and libraries have taken the tech world by storm. AngularJS, (Knockout + Durandal + RequireJS), Angular, React, Vue, etc are some of the frameworks which were either widely used in the past or are currently widely used. There are many supporting libraries such as loadash, etc., which support these frameworks and make them a complete modern web development framework.

The above-mentioned frameworks have come a long way. Some, such as AngularJS, were widely used a few years ago. Knockout, Durandal, and RequireJS were also popular. In the case of AngularJS, its earlier version was entirely rewritten with major, breaking changes. Angular v2.0 onwards (as compared to AngularJS v1.x) is a huge success and is widely used to create modern web applications. Now, the criteria for selecting either Angular, React, or Vue depends on various parameters.

Deep Linking in React Native with React Navigation

In this article, we are going to build a simple deep linking mechanism in React Native, which takes a user to a specific screen of a sample app, after clicking on a deep link outside the app (e.g. Safari). The output will look like this:

Example output

Create a React Native App

To get started, please create a new React Native project by executing the following command:

React Dashboard Ultimate Guide Part 3: Customize UI

This is the last part of a guide on building dynamic analytics dashboards and applications with React, GraphQL, and Cube.js. It covers an introduction to the customization of the UI. At the end of the blog post, I'll add links to the customization of individual components of the dashboard, such as query builders and the charts themselves. The online demo is available here. Parts one and two are available at their respective links. 

The dashboard template was generated using the Ant Design UI React library. It is one of the most popular React UI kits, alongside Material UI. It uses Less as a stylesheet language and allows us to customize the design by overriding default Less variables.

State Management in Corvid

When using Wix, when working with Corvid you don’t need to deal with HTML/CSS when developing UI. Instead, you get a full-blown WYSIWYG editor, where you can create the UI for your application. Then, all that’s left to do is write the application logic, which is really what we want to focus on when developing applications.

Most examples you’ll see today that connect application logic to the view are similar to old-style jQuery applications. You bind an event handler to UI elements, and in response to those events, you run some logic that updates other UI elements with the result.

React vs. Angular vs. Vue: The Complete Comparison

One of the most important questions for any business willing to develop an application is, “which front-end technology (client-side) should we choose?” With so many options for JavaScript frameworks available, your app development team needs to be cautious about their choice.

This article will examine the positives and negatives of React, Angular, and Vue and situations in which each is optimal to use.

Angular 9: What to Expect in New Version of Angular

Angular is one of the prominent open source frameworks for building web and mobile applications. The newest version, Angular 9, is smaller, faster, and easier to use, and it will be making Angular developers' life easier.

With Angular 9, the community can benefit from smaller, high-performance applications and better development experience. Developers also now have clear syntax and clear project structure.

Vue Tutorial 5 — Form Data Binding

Granny now wants us to help her make a list of all the guests attending the party. She could use pen and paper, but her grandson is a programmer and she wants a Vue app. 

In this tutorial, we’ll accept user input (information about a guest) and display it in the list, similar to when we displayed the list of groceries. However, today we’ll use the  v-model directive to create two-way data bindings on the form input. 

Other Ways to SPAs

That rhymed lolz.

I mentioned on a podcast the other day that I sorta think WordPress should ship with Turbolinks. It's a rather simple premise:

  1. Build a server-rendered site.
  2. Turbolinks intercepts clicks on same-origin links.
  3. It uses AJAX for the HTML of the new page and replaces the current page with the new one.

In other words, turning a server-rendered app into "Single Page App" (SPA) by way of adding this library.

Why bother? It can be a little quicker. Full page refreshes can feel slow compared to an SPA. Turbolinks is kinda "old" technology, but it's still perfectly useful. In fact, Starr Horne recently wrote a great blog post about migrating to it at Honeybadger:

Honeybadger isn't a single page app, and it probably won't ever be. SPAs just don't make sense for our technical requirements. Take a look:

  • Our app is mostly about displaying pages of static information.
  • We crunch a lot of data to generate a single error report page.
  • We have a very small team of four developers, and so we want to keep our codebase as small and simple as possible.

... There's an approach we've been using for years that lets us have our cake and eat it too ... and its big idea is that you can get SPA-like speed without all the JavaScript.

That's what I mean about WordPress. It's very good that it's server-rendered by default, but it could also benefit from SPA stuff with a simple approach like Turbolinks. You could always add it on your own though.

Just leaving your server-rendered site isn't a terrible thing. If you keep the pages light and resources cached, you're probably fine.

Chrome has started some new ideas:

I don't doubt this server-rendered but enhance-into-SPA is what has helped popularize approaches like Next and Gatsby.

I don't want to discount the power of a "real" SPA approach. The network is the main offender for slow websites, so if an app is architected to shoot across relatively tiny bits of data (rather relatively heavy huge chunks of HTML) and then calculate the smallest amount of the DOM it can re-render and do that, then that's pretty awesome. Well, that is, until the bottleneck becomes JavaScript itself.

It's just unfortunate that an SPA approach is often done at the cost of doing no server-side rendering at all. And similarly unfortunate is that the cost of "hydrating" a server-rendered app to become an SPA comes at the cost of tying up the main thread in JavaScript.

Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.

Fortunately, there is a spectrum of rendering choices for choosing an appropriate architecture.

The post Other Ways to SPAs appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Build a Basic Ticket Sales App With ASP.NET Core, Angular, and Stripe

Internet shopping is about more than just Amazon. It's become a daily activity for most Americans, and e-commerce is a required feature for many projects a developer may encounter. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to build an e-commerce site to sell tickets using an Angular 6 single page app (SPA) and an ASP.NET Core 2.1 backend API. You’ll build both the Angular and ASP.NET Core applications and run them from within VS Code. Let’s get to it!

Upgrade to Angular 6

I love to use the latest and greatest when starting a new project. But when you use a project generator (like Angular-CLI, or the DotNetCLI), you may be at the mercy of the latest version the authors of those libraries have added. Right now, the DotNet CLI generates an Angular application with dotnet new angular gives you an Angular app at about version 4.5, which is about two versions behind the latest. Let me show you how to upgrade the templates and the generated application so that you’re using Angular 6, which is the latest as of the time of this article.