5 Ways to Sort Wisely

Hey to everyone! I guess you all did sorting at least once. I also guess that everyone knows a sorting called "Bubble," cause it is the easiest and most popular. But when it comes to time and your memory, what will you do?

Imagine a situation. You have a mass that contains about 10^100 elements. Is it still good to use bubble sorting? Just imagine checking every element... and not once. It is not so difficult to count how many operations it is and how much time it takes.

Lambda Expressions and Method References

Hello, friends this my first article on Java 8.

Today, I am going to share how lambda expressions and method references reduce boilerplate code and make our code more readable and compact. Suppose we have a Student class that has two fields, name and age. We are going to sort a student list with the help of the Comparator interface. After that, we will reduce the code step-by-step with the help of some of Java 8's new features.

Become a Master of Java Streams, Part 2: Intermediate Operations

Want to become a Java Streams Master?

Just like a magic wand, an Intermediate operation transforms a Stream into another Stream. These operations can be combined in endless ways to perform anything from simple to highly complex tasks in a readable and efficient manner.

This article is the second out of five, complemented by a GitHub repository, containing instructions and exercises to each unit.