Solution vs. Software Architecture

In my tenure as a solution architect in financial services working for a global consulting firm, I have often questioned the best way to practice enterprise architecture.  A common challenge that many architecture consultants face is that most client firms insist on using their proprietary enterprise architecture content. I have observed that frequently such architecture content does not always distinguish between the solution and software architecture.

This article is not an academic paper. In this article, I  present my experiences and ideas to help my colleagues better understand the vague differences between two similar but distinct architecture disciplines. At the very least, this article may trigger a conversation via the comments section that may persuade me that I am wrong.

Red Hat Summit 2021 (Ask the Experts) – An open approach to solution architectures

This year the Red Hat Summit event is a bit different as we bridge the gap from pandemic reality to hopefully a form of normalcy.

As the Red Hat Summit site explains to us, this "...event is expanding to become an all-new, flexible conference series, consisting of a 2‑part immersive virtual experience as well as a global tour of small-scale, in-person* events. This series will create collective opportunities to share experiences, innovations, and insights."

From Architecture to an AWS Serverless POC: Architect’s Journey

Project Context

This year a number of financial services firms have had to comply with a new "401(k)-to-IRA Rollover Advice" fiduciary rule. This rule mandates that wealth managers and broker-dealers must demonstrate "investor's best interest" intent when presenting investment opportunities to their clients.

Many financial services firms with legacy and 3rd party SaaS application landscape face a common challenge of data lineage and data consistency throughout the client onboarding user journey. Throughout this journey, the client’s investment profile is used to put together a proposed investment portfolio and open an investment account. Client On-boarding Business Process

Solution Architect: What Do They Do? A Complete Guide

What Is Solution Architecture?

According to Wikipedia: Solution architecture is a description of a discrete and focused business operation or activity and how IS/IT supports that operation.

Good and well-considered architecture is essential for the effective development of any software. The correct architectural solution makes it possible to scale the product at minimal cost and painlessly for an existing product and customers. Simply put, this is the foundation of the product on which the long-term success of any project depends. Solution architecture is oriented on specific business problems of the company and serves to achieve business goals.

What Is the Role of a Solution Architect In IT Companies?

A solution architect is responsible for the design, development, and evolution of the architectural solution of a product or ecosystem of a company's products. Thus this role requests a wide-ranging of skills. The developed solution should guarantee compatibility with existing business logic and products.