Strengthen Enterprise Security Through Network Isolation Approach

IT security managers are increasingly waking up to realize that the sheer quantity of regular generated malicious and non-malicious software programmers requires them to be on their toes, searching for effective countermeasures. They are largely moving to network segmentation/isolation to ensure security, sensing the failure of traditional security approaches.

Corporate IT security managers are rapidly waking up to realize that the sheer volume of malicious and non-malicious software programs that are generated daily requires them to be on their toes, looking for effective countermeasures. Sensing the failure of conventional security approaches, they are largely shifting to network segmentation/ isolation for ensuring security.

30 VS Code Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows

Developers who're working for a company will know the importance of every second. There're a lot of things that you can do to code faster.

Among all those, knowing some important keyboard shortcuts can help you save a lot of your development time.

The Future of Testing and the Big Bang of Software – Automated Visual Testing

In an era of digital transformation, software is no longer just a tool; it is at the heart of every business. Why is it at the heart of a business? Because we are constantly interacting with our users and customers through a booming number of software applications: web, mobile, and native.

Applitools recently sponsored an independent survey with 400 engineering and quality assurance leaders from a variety of Fortune 500 companies. Among other things, they were asked how many different applications they used in their organization and how many pages each application included. Let's look at the findings of the survey.

Revolutionizing the Product Update With WSO2 Update 2.0

Every software application undergoes various changes over time and as a result, we get patches/ hotfixes, updates, and new version releases. Those changes can be either architectural/ technical changes to suit the current technology landscape or functional changes to meet end-users’ demanding needs. An update or a new release of a software application can consist of either of those changes or maybe both.

Software applications that do not meet time to market when releasing updates and new versions and take a long time to release updates or new versions become obsolete. They vanish into thin air without a trace. That’s why giants like Microsoft have reduced their major release cycle from 4 years to 3 years and also provide major Updates to the current release bi-annually so that the end-users are up-to-date and on track. Not only new releases and updates, but they also have to provide patches/ hotfixes for identified bugs/ vulnerabilities in order to stay competitive in the game.

Build a Personalized, SMS-Powered Survey System With Reshuffle Open Source

Communicating with customers via SMS text messages is fast becoming part of a multi-channel customer experience - where people get to choose which channel they prefer to use when connecting with brands. SMS offers speed, accessibility, and the option to communicate privately without going on public social media channels.

Building a simple SMS integration, for example, an auto-responder for order confirmation is easy. But what if you want to connect multiple services to generate a more interactive flow and do more than just send an outbound SMS to a customer? The solution can become complex, and fast.

5 Kibana Visualizations To Spice Up Your Dashboard

If you work in any way that is adjacent to data, insight, and analytics, there’s a good chance you will at least have heard of Kibana. If you haven’t then there’s no better time to be jumping on the bandwagon.

An open-source app, Kibana caters perfectly to any enterprise that needs to incorporate data discovery, navigation, and visualization. So long is the list of features and benefits that it’s impossible to cover them all in a single article. Tools like Kibana Lens showcase this beautifully. 

8 Best Big Data Tools in 2020

In today’s reality, data gathered by a company is a fundamental source of information for any business. Unfortunately, it is not that easy to drive valuable insights from it.

Problems with which all data scientists are dealing are the amount of data and its structure. Data has no value unless we process it. To do so, we need big data software that will help us in transforming and analyzing data.

IoT and Healthcare

Within the general connected medical care and also mHealth picture, even more integrated techniques as well as benefits are sought with a duty for the supposed Net of Medical care Points (IoHT) or Internet of Medical Points (IoMT). The period from 2017 up until 2022 will certainly be essential in this shift, with numerous modifications prior to 2020.

From 2017 till 2022, development in IoT healthcare software solutions is certainly poised to accelerate as the Net of Points is a vital part in the electronic transformation of the healthcare sector and also different stakeholders are stepping up their efforts.

When DevOps Meets Software Development — A Perfect Pair

Being an owner of a software development company, you need to know each and every update of the fact that it is important for your customer’s satisfaction. And DevOps is one of those things which is mandatory to implement in your software development. Yes, this is true that DeOps for Software development is highly beneficial to revolutionize the way of the development process. 

Have a look at the survey, The statistic shows the importance of DevOps in scaling software development. 

AIOps: The Solution for Software Change Management to Save Millions a Year?

Problem, Legacy Change Management

We all might have been in that situation that making the actual software change takes just a few hours, but getting approval to go live takes almost two weeks!?

It is the story of a painful go-live experience for an engineering team who is ready to release their changes but needs to go through lengthy organisation red-tapes to get 10 approvals by filling the same forms with so much information that may or may not be even used. As change management is not fully aware of what's in the change and because they get so many of these requests, the tendency might be to just decline some of these requests with no clear reason for the team, until they are convinced that the change is safe after a lot of back and forth, and sometimes by just seeing how committed you are to go live!

Best Linux Distros for Developers

Linux is an awesome ecosystem for a variety of uses. For instance, Linux is the de facto server environment, powering over 96% of the top 1 million servers. And for programming, Linux is arguably better than Windows. Check out the best Linux distros for programmers and developers!

Why Is Linux Better for Devs and Programmers?

My Linux journey began back in the day when I inherited an ancient Shuttle XPC desktop sans an operating system (OS). Rather than purchasing a copy of Windows, I decided to install the Ubuntu derivative Lubuntu, and since then I've been a convert. Likewise, one of the reasons many motivations for programmers to use a Linux OS is that it's free and open-source.

How to Overcome File Transfer Security Risks

Individuals are constantly transferring files to their colleagues and trading partners, whether those files are Word documents, reports and spreadsheets, or shipping notices and acknowledgments. Most of the time, people simply assume these file transfers are safe.

But in reality, hidden risks abound.

Why Do Bugs Attack Your Software?

Search the Internet and you will find a plethora of articles regarding how bugs can deteriorate your software, company image, and profitability. However, no one talks about the reasons why bugs actually attack your software.

Keeping this scenario in mind, we are presenting five major reasons why bugs might be attacking your software.

How Engineering Leaders Can Support Remote Working Teams

The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has swept across 100 countries with no signs of abating. In light of COVID-19 your software development workforce is, at a furious pace, adapting to; extreme remote working policies – it is a fundamental challenge for all technology leaders to maintain productivity and maintainability of the software engineering organization

In this article, you will find practical tips on best practices to maintain a proper work from home setup for your software developers.

4 Biggest Cyber Security Mistakes To Avoid When Testing Software

There has never been a greater risk of falling victim to a cyber-attack. Despite this, countless developers continue to make crucial mistakes that leave them vulnerable rather than protected. When developing any software, there are countless small mistakes that can lead to a weak point in your software’s cyber-security. This can leave your software and […]

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7 DevOps Toolchain Orchestration Solutions You May Not Know

The role of communication transparency between teams is such a big challenge in application development. Most of the teams in an organization were independent for a very long time. It meant that the development team, business analysts’ team, and QAs and operations worked far from each other.

Companies suffered a lot in delivering results. There were longer app delivery cycles that delayed most of the operations. Anyone in the business realm should be able to understand what this means. There was just not  enough product innovation. As if that was not enough, response to market needs was just unsatisfactory.