Supercharge Software Projects With a Communication Plan

So, you’ve got a new software project in the pipeline. What do you do first? We all know that successful team communication is key to group projects of any kind. But how can we transform communication from a hypothetical ideal into a reality?

Well, that’s what we’re going to be talking about today. Effective communication needs a foundation. So, what do we do first? We make a plan. Project management communication plans lay the groundwork for interactions between teams, managers, and stakeholders and cover everything from who will give the information, to who will receive it, and when.

Top 10 Out-of-Box Software Packages of All Time in RT-Thread IoT OS

RT-Thread is an embedded open-source real-time operating system. It has a rich middle-tier component and a great hardware and software ecosystem that delivers great support for the Internet of Things (IoT). Until now, RT-Thread has powered 800 Million devices. This article takes you through the top 10 downloads of Software Packages in the RT-Thread IoT platform.

1. at_device (63706 Downloads)

The AT device software package is composed of the transplantation files and sample codes of the RT-Thread AT component for different AT devices.

Stop Telling Dev What To Do – VP of Eng at GitHub

As the VP of Engineering at GitHub, Dana Lawson’s team makes decisions that change the development workflows for millions of people at a time. On this episode of Dev Interrupted we chat about the role of technical leadership, how to implement continuous improvement, and how positivity relates to dev team culture. 

How Positivity Relates To Productivity

Running a highly productive engineering organization does not include telling a bunch of people what to do. That doesn’t work. You have to strike the balance between data and trust, positivity and productivity.

5 of the Weirdest and Hardest Programming Languages

Programming languages, although difficult, are often created with the intent of making it easy to program something that is useful. However, there are programming languages out there that have the sole intent of making your life harder, or potentially even miserable. Below are some of the best 'worst' and weirdest programming languages around. 

1. Piet

Piet is a programming language made using colors. That means you have to create a small bitmap image that is converted into code your computer can understand. The code works by judging the difference between colors, in order to determine the action to take. Below is an example in Piet of how to say 'Hello World.'

Celebrating International Women’s Day: Women in Software Panel

In Celebration of International Women's Day 2021

Hear from DZone contributors and other software professionals as they share their journeys in tech, balancing home and work. We dive into their careers, challenges along the way, and advice on how to thrive and advance in a fast-paced and male-dominated software industry.

Hosted by: Lindsay Smith, Publications Manager at DZone

Top 7 Benefits of GitOps: How to Reinforce Your Software Productivity and Accelerate Business Success

Today’s world regards time as of paramount importance. This said, the disruptive tech-enabled innovations are foremost meant to save both business owners’ and users’ time. The industry of software development is based upon the same postulates – the sooner the better, provided that timely product deliverables are coupled with efficiency and convenience.

The Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) practices are among popular software engineering industry trends that help cut costs, time, and risks associated with delivering changes. Yet another trend to optimize the industry lies in applying DevOps methods, oriented to increase the efficiency of development and operation processes, and to speed up product delivery.

Software Distribution Tactics to Win at DevOps

Deployment frequency is considered one of the finest DevOps metrics, and the elite performers in DevOps space deploy multiple times per day with confidence. The deployment process requires systems that promote trust between teams (Dev or Ops) throughout the pipelines- so they can ensure they’re using the latest builds for testing, approved binaries for deploying, etc. This involves managing artifacts between the developers, so they get the latest of everything to deploy and make the software ready, no matter if the team is in the same room or is working remotely.

The ability to continuously integrate and release application updates to any deployment target has become crucial to any business's success.

What Is DevOps Culture?

At its essence, a DevOps culture involves closer collaboration and a shared responsibility between development and operations for the products they create and maintain. This helps companies align their people, processes, and tools toward a more unified customer focus. 

It involves cultivating multidisciplinary teams who take accountability for the entire lifecycle of a product. DevOps teams work autonomously and embrace a software engineering culture, workflow, and toolset that elevates operational requirements to the same level of importance as architecture, design and development. The understanding that developers who build it, also run it, brings developers closer to the user, with a greater understanding of user requirements and needs. With operations teams more involved in the development process, they can add maintenance requirements and customer needs for a better product. 

How to Convince People to Deal With Tech Debt

In this post, I'll share with you how the best in our field make the business case for any given piece of tech debt.

Apply these lessons and you too will be able to understand which debt you should address first. They will help you unlock the resources you need by enabling you to convince your colleagues — especially senior management — that this is the right move.

6 Requirements of Cloud-Native Software

For many years, monolithic applications were the standard enterprise architecture for achieving business requirements. But that changed significantly once cloud infrastructure began treating business acceleration at scale and speed. Application architectures have also transformed to fit into the cloud-native applications and the microservices, serverless, and event-driven services that are running on immutable infrastructures across hybrid and multi-cloud platforms.

The Cloud-Native Connection to Kubernetes

According to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF):

Sync GitHub Issues With Asana Board Tasks

GitHub issues are a great way to keep track of enhancements, bugs, and tasks for your project. It provides a forum-like space for outside developers to give feedback. It’s a great tool for smaller teams to keep track of tasks, but, as your product grows, and more repositories are made, going back and forth between repositories for task management is just not ideal.

Most teams are using project management tools like Asana. But what about the bug tracking from the repositories? It would be quite bothersome to scroll through and find all ‘bug’ labeled issues and then add them onto an Asana board. Is there a way to synchronize GitHub issues to be automatically added as a task on Asana? Certainly, there are a number of solutions that can be found on the web.

QuickBooks vs TallyPrime


It's no secret that both QuickBooks and TallyPrime software are key dominant players in the Indian market. QuickBooks is a cloud-based accounting software from Intuit, with provisioning for Indian currency, Indian tax regulations, and automatic synchronization of QuickBooks accounting information with the Company’s bank transaction information. The best thing is its UI which is way better and is a monthly payment software, making it more convenient for SMEs. Tally Prime, on the other hand, is basically a one-time payment software and is especially for the Indian market, keeping in mind that the Indian enterprise-level organizations need a regulatory regime.


QuickBooks was founded in 1983, and it has slowly but steadily climbed the ranks in order to become the giant it is today. Although it was founded in 1983, it took about 19 years to release the first version of QuickBooks. But, after the QuickBooks release, it went through a lot of changes and is still changing to this day; its software has evolved, adding more features and functionality. QuickBooks, at present, is available on a wider international scale throughout the globe. Tally, on the other hand, released its new version TallyPrime, which empowers business owners to be more efficient. Like QuickBooks, Tally has also gone through a lot of changes for the past 30 years, and at present, their newest version TallyPrime is on the Indian market.

Connect Wix External Collections with Reshuffle


Wix is a great service that lets you develop your website quickly and securely. It provides a large arsenal of widgets and capabilities to make life easy and shorten development cycles.

The system is so good that businesses all over the world have developed their entire IT infrastructure on top of it, including content management systems, CRMs, and even online shopping and fulfillment.

Going from Dev to CEO – What you need to know

The most prolific companies of our time are run by former developers. That's why I brought in former developer turned CEO and Dzone core member, Stephen Magill, to chat about what it takes to make the jump from developer to business leader.

Stephen Magill is a former research developer turned CEO . Dan Lines was promoted from team lead to VP of Engineering almost over night. On this episode of the Dev Interrupted podcast Dan and Stephen discuss:

Uncover the Real Senior Developer — Dev Interrupted on DZone

Should you be hiring a software developer or a senior software developer…and what’s the difference? And how can you know during an interview?

To help me answer exactly what it means to be a senior software developer, I brought in Tomasz Waraksa, a tenured Senior Software Developer with decades of hiring experience. In this episode, Tomasz helps me understand:

Tracking Twitter Mentions With

Monitoring social media mentions is an essential part of any business. It gives brands an opportunity to track, analyze, and respond to conversations about them on social media. In this quick tutorial, I will show you an example of how you can setup a simple Twitter mentions tracker with

In this article, we will be using Reshuffle's open source integration framework to easily integrate Twitter and Monday services to meet your brand's needs for social monitoring.