Future Javascript: Javascript Pipeline Operators

Pipeline operators are an upcoming feature to Javascript which gives us another way to pass values through a series of transformations. It gives more context to what developers were trying to achieve when they wrote their code and allows us to do some cool things to boot. Here, we'll take a quick look at pipeline operators, how they work, and how you can use them today.

Javascript Pipeline Operators: Support

Currently, no browser or server-side ECMAScript implementation (like Node.JS) supports pipeline operators. You can, however, get them to work using Babel 7.15. You can learn more about installing Babel here, but suffice to say this will allow you to add pipeline operators into your code.

How to Manage Vulnerabilities on Your Home Network

Cables image.

Image Credit

Many people erroneously assume that their home networks are too small to be targeted by cyberattackers and that cybersecurity is only meant for enterprises. Nothing could be more wrong. If the past few years have taught us anything about cybersecurity, it is that nothing is too small to be exploited, not even the smallest IoT device. Therefore, people need to be more serious about managing vulnerabilities on their home networks beyond the basic passwords. Now that many people are working from home, home security is more important than ever. 

The 7 Most Expensive Bugs in History

NASA Mars Climate Orbiter: $193 Million 

Nasa’s Mars Orbiter was the second probe in their Mars Surveyor Program, which also included the Mars Global Surveyor that launched in November 1996 and the Mars Polar Lander that launched in January 1999. 

They were designed to arrive at roughly the same time to conduct experiments on the surface, climate, and atmosphere of Mars. It was supposed to arrive in orbit on September 23, 1999.

What Is the Difference Between Git and GitHub?

Do you think GitHub is your source control? Can you install Git and GitHub on your machine? 

If you are looking for answers to these questions, you are in the right place. In this article, you will learn the core concepts about Git and GitHub, how they are different, and their similarities. 

Unlocking Developer Velocity With the Right CI/CD Platform

Today, in a world where online software is expected to be available 24/7 across the globe, engineering teams writing and delivering software are expected to do so at speed, while maintaining quality and security. To help meet the challenge, online CI/CD platforms have emerged to provide everything a developer needs to plan, version, deploy, test, and promote an application from their laptop to a production environment – where an end-user can consume it and provide valuable feedback. 

This article will cover the key ingredients of a CI/CD platform, how they are evolving and whether you should try to build your own or utilize an industry leader.

Feature Flagging: Falsehoods, Fallacies, and Downright Fictions

In a world where every business is essentially a software company, why wouldn’t everyone need a way to make safe and reliable changes to their software? If “feature flags” or “feature toggles” or “gatekeepers” are a proven method used by Facebook or Twitter, why on earth isn’t everyone doing it - or, at least, trying to do it?  

The concept of feature flagging is relatively old, but not standardized in the community, and there are some misconceptions about this practice. Over time, I’ve learned to separate facts from fiction.

Top Challenges in SAAS Customer Onboarding

SaaS Business models are trending in 2021. The complex combination of the factors, including the political changes disrupting the data processing agreements and the ongoing global pandemic, has indirectly increased the adoption of SaaS business models in different industries. 

The significance of measuring SaaS customer onboarding process revelations suggests that 74 percent of customers receive an effective experience and keep their subscription for one year at a stretch. In this blog, you will get to know the top challenges of SaaS startups. Let's discuss them one by one.

How to Build HTML Forms Right: Accessibility

Forms are arguably the most important parts of any web application. Without forms, we would not have sites like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Reddit, etc. However, the more I browse the web, the more I see poor implementations of forms.

In this series, we will examine the proper steps to creating forms for the web, how to think about the code we write, and considerations to make along the way. The series is broken up into the following parts:

How To Test for Your Software’s Scalability

As companies develop, they provide services at greater capacities. To achieve new heights, a company needs to improve the quality of the platform behind its success. Several software tests can improve your digital products. Software scalability tests are imperative for any company operating in the digital market.

Scalability testing and performance testing are ways to assess software capabilities. Performance testing focuses on response times and software quality. Scalability testing targets the software’s performance when adding new resources. Continuous testing plays a different role in the development process.

When You Do DevSecOps, Don’t Forget the SREs


It's common today to talk about the "gap between security and development" or the "DevOps security disconnect." That makes good sense; there is indeed a need to de-silo security from the development and DevOps processes.

What receives surprisingly less attention, however, is the disconnect between reliability engineering and security. For all that we talk about DevSecOps, we pay almost no heed to the importance of integrating security more centrally into the incident management work performed by SREs.

7 Essential Tools for SREs


Mastering the concepts at the core of reliability is the first step in becoming an SRE. But you also need tools to put those concepts into practice.

Which types of tools do SREs need to do their jobs? And what are the best tools in each category? This article answers these questions by discussing what SREs should think about when building their toolbox. It walks through the key categories of tools for SREs to leverage and suggests specific options in each one.

From Behind the Chair to Behind the Keyboard: How Hairdressing Prepared Me for Network Automation

Every developer lead has been there. You’re mid-phone call with a client who is experiencing an outage or chaos in the system. She’s stressed out, balancing feedback from stakeholders across her organization, weighing the potential impacts of the issue, and relying on you for advice and solutions.

In these pivotal moments, I’m often hit with a sudden sense of déjà vu from when I was 16, working as a hairdresser in my first full-time job, facing a customer whose hair color was left on too long and oxidizing, causing the microscopic outer layer of hair follicles to peel back and release green color pigments.

Software Project Management Plan

Nowadays, many companies, organizations, and individuals are becoming more aware of the importance of technological factors in all aspects of life. This situation has resulted in the increasing need for different software products and services that cannot be created successfully without a proper software project management plan.

Overview of Software Project Management

Project management refers to the process of applying skills, knowledge, techniques, and tools to project activities to fulfill the requirements of the project. It usually broke down into project management phases, including project initiation, project planning, project execution, project monitoring, and project closure.

How to Build Your Software Distribution CDN Using Mirrorbits

Lots of independent developers use GitHub or its equivalents to host their code repositories. And since they're simple to use and well understood by the public, that's a great idea. But as anyone who's ever created a project that attracted a whole lot of attention can attest, the platforms aren't well-suited to distributing binaries and other software releases.

In most cases, GitHub projects that post binaries do so by having a single server or VPS get triggered by a webhook to compile whatever binaries the project requires. And that means every time a user tries to download the resultant binaries, they’ll be making requests to that same single server instance. That's both inefficient and a recipe for download problems.

Feature Flag, What? Why? How?

Velocity in agile development measures the quantity of work a team can accomplish in a sprint. It can be measured in story points, hours or days. The higher the velocity of a team, the more features it delivers, the more value it brings to customers. Sprint velocity is a good measure in sprint project management to evaluate and estimate team productivity.

The measure of the velocity is based on multiple factors: the continuous integration (CI) process, the time to qualify the code changes, to test the regression, the security, the delivery, etc…

[DZone Community Meetup] The Death of Freedom by Software with Justin Albano

How software is responsible for eroding freedom of speech and what we can do as software engineers to stop this trend before it's too late.

Join us live on Wednesday, June 16th at 11:00 am EDT

Join us for this special live DZone event with Justin Albano and moderator Kellet Atkinson where we discuss and go in-depth on the DZone article, The Death of Freedom by Software. This event features a question and answer at the end.


  • Introductions
  • An in-depth discussion on the death of freedom by software
  • Q&A: Question and answer

Live Question and Answer with Justin Albano and Kellet Atkinson

There will be a live Q&A at the end of this virtual event! Have a question or comment? Ask your questions and share your feedback live during the Q&A!

4 Software QA Metrics To Enhance Dev Quality and Speed


Today, the demand for software is higher than ever. Lines of code govern almost everything we do in our day-to-day activities. The way we buy, the way we sell, even the way we communicate. 

In 2019, according to Evans Data Corporation, there were 23.9 million developers worldwide. In an attempt to hold their place within the market, developers are having to speed their process up whilst delivering products of ever-increasing quality. This happening all across the board, even and especially at the 50 leading SaaS companies. Often speed and quality seem at odds with one another, but in reality, this isn’t the case. Improvement in both areas is obtainable. This is where QA can help.

Quality Sense Podcast: Ashley Hunsberger – Leading Agile Transformation at Blackboard

This week’s Quality Sense guest has been at her company now for 16 years, but in that time she has had the chance to assume several different roles that allowed her to explore her interests, lead others, and help the company grow. Ashley Hunsberger started as a manual tester and today, she’s the Director of DevOps Engineering, creating their Developer and Agile Advocacy program. She focuses on the ways they can advance the work their teams are doing, as well as the way in which they do it. 

Listen to this fascinating conversation or read below to learn how she managed to evolve her career while staying with Blackboard over the years and ultimately came to leading agile transformation there. She offers eye-opening, real world insights on leadership that anyone can apply in their own organization.