Cookies at the Edge: Not a Baking Blog Post

I came across an interesting use case for edge compute the other day: cookie management at the edge. It probably won’t be super relevant to a ton of people, but it’s an interesting use case I wanted to share nonetheless.

Brief Background About Cookies

When most people think of cookies, they picture delicious baked morsels. But we’re not here to talk about those (unfortunately). In the context of web development, cookies are one of the options web developers have to store data.

How to Choose the Right A/B Testing Software for Your Business

Today, you can find thousands of websites over the internet. But only some of them are popular due to their smooth functioning and fantastic user experience. One of the crucial factors in ensuring the website’s best performance is to test every aspect of the website and improve it over time. The most commonly used testing technique is A/B testing which is simple to conduct and optimize your website to get traction

Conversion is considered an essential factor in deciding the success of your business. Whether a small-scale or large-scale business, attracting visitors and converting them into leads is always necessary. If you know how to improve your chances of success, why not go for it. A/B testing helps the business quickly achieve its goals within time to achieve that success. 

How to Successfully Leverage AI in Your Automated Kubernetes Monitoring

Organizations are continuously seeking to grow, have better customer relationships, and provide user experiences that edge out rivals, digital acceleration is gathering pace. The IT industry, in particular, and its role in large-scale production environments has grown exponentially complex, with companies investing in AI solutions and increasingly preoccupied with questions such as: “what is hyper-automation?”

Monitoring technology gives visibility into these highly disseminated IT environments. AI monitoring systems, in turn, use more components that help streamline complexities and usher in a shift from reactive to proactive decision-making. Throughout this article, we’re going to take a look at the best methods available to you in leveraging AI in your automated Kubernetes monitoring. 

Making Accessibility More Accessible

Every person I’ve worked with has agreed that making the web more accessible is a good thing. We don’t want to disservice any of our users.

However, accessibility is nuanced, the work is not always straightforward, and responsibility can be unclear. After all, building websites requires many steps, and accessibility is impacted by the decisions at each stage; design, development, content creation.

8 Misconceptions About Software Development

Software development is complex, and for your project to succeed, it’s essential to understand what it can and cannot do. If you remember the following ideas, your software development project is more likely to succeed.

1. There Is Only 1 Best Programming Language.

Software developers tend to be fans of the programming languages they use every day. Python is a prevalent language today, but so is C++. The truth is that every programming language is used for a specific reason. That’s why we cannot say with certainty that one language is superior to another. It’s like saying that Spanish is a better language than English – it boils down to where you are. 

How To Get the Current URL With Javascript

In Javascript, it is sometimes necessary to get the URL of the current web page you are on. There are a few ways to do this.

How to Get the Current URL With Javascript

If we want to get the full URL of the current web page, we simply have to use window.location.href.

Get Started With TypeScript the Easy Way

There’s no denying that TypeScript has taken hold in the JavaScript community. And there’s no wonder when it offers features like improved Intellisense, static analysis (aka “type-checking”), and inline documentation.

These features are not unique to TypeScript. They’re part of any strongly-typed language, and they translate to improvements in productivity and code quality such as:

  • Write code faster with autocomplete code suggestions as you type.
  • Warns you if you have a typo or error in your code.
  • Easier to introduce new people into the codebase.
  • Better collaboration for team members across code they did not write.
  • Can prevent broken code from getting through automatic deployments. 
  • Makes maintaining old code is easier and safer to modify.
  • Can be used to automatically document your project.

That’s all well and good, but I’m not trying to sell you on using TypeScript. This article is intended for JavaScript developers that have heard of TypeScript and are interested in getting started with it or anyone that has already tried TypeScript and wants to give it another perspective.

Future Javascript: Javascript Pipeline Operators

Pipeline operators are an upcoming feature to Javascript which gives us another way to pass values through a series of transformations. It gives more context to what developers were trying to achieve when they wrote their code and allows us to do some cool things to boot. Here, we'll take a quick look at pipeline operators, how they work, and how you can use them today.

Javascript Pipeline Operators: Support

Currently, no browser or server-side ECMAScript implementation (like Node.JS) supports pipeline operators. You can, however, get them to work using Babel 7.15. You can learn more about installing Babel here, but suffice to say this will allow you to add pipeline operators into your code.