Top 5 Challenges of (Web) UI Testing

Figuring out the best ways to implement UI testing.

The software and its demand are increasing year over year with no predictable end in sight. Top companies are even responding high in the rat race with more productive and prompt means to deliver exceptional applications like scaling Agile and accepting DevOps. Many invest in resources to transform Development and Operations in terms of training, coaching, and tooling. Testing is typically an afterthought — until it becomes clear that the testing status quo is creating a bottleneck.

Accommodating Human Behavior in Automated Testing

Human error needs to be accounted for.

I'm a big fan of test automation. To me, it's the best way to get software out the door. For the most part, automation brings a degree of speed and accuracy to the testing process that in many cases surpasses human capability. This is particularly true when it comes to UI testing. Having a roomful of testers sitting at keyboards entering data in the UI and then recording results can be a bottleneck when implementing testing in today's enterprise.

The AI Impact on Software Testing

Software testing performed by human resources still has its value, although Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a promising way to make the process easier, faster, and clearer. Someday, the emerging technology of AI may force software testers to start looking for a new job elsewhere. But don't get tripped up with such predictions.

Strategies to implement AI and machine learning are far from perfect; companies still have plenty of challenges to work through. However, one thing is certain: the use of AI by QA professionals would upgrade the whole testing process, enhance testers' professional skills, and contribute to business growth.

Top 10 Automated Software Testing Tools

We are in an era of automation everywhere! Some time back, Bob Egan, the Chief Research Officer at Sepharim Research, talked about mobile security. He made a statement on Enterprise Mobility Trends 2016:

“The modern desktop is really not a desktop, but an experience that fits the moment.”

He also added saying that we are getting into a generation where there will be applications developed specifically for the work to be done easily and efficiently. I totally agree with that and believe that we are highly dependent on minimizing our work efforts with the help of various tools.

Emerging Trends That Will Define the Next 10 Years of Software Testing (Part 2)

As discussed in the previous blog, organizations are shifting toward an "Agile+DevOps" strategy for their SDLCs, which will be predominantly governed by automation tools. Many organizations embarked on their digital transformation journey in the last decade, but there were more failures than success. With advanced technology and better understanding, we can expect a more mature approach from leaders for navigating their organization to the desired digital heights.

In this blog, we'll pick up the baton from where we paused in the Part 1. While the first part of the blog talked about the trends that dominated the last decade and will influence the coming one, this blog will delve upon the next-generation technologies. Although the next-gen software testing technologies are still in a relatively nascent stage, they are expected to rule the roost for the upcoming decade.

How to QA Test Software That Uses AI and Machine Learning

Smartphones, smart speakers, smart cars, smart coffee makers...the list goes on. It seems like everything around us is coming to life and becoming intelligent. And though the sci-fi genre thrives on our ever-present fear of a hostile robot takeover, smart devices are anything but dystopian — they’re actually here to make our lives easier so we can spend more time on the important stuff instead of tedious busywork.

Tech companies know that increased automation is the way of the future, just like it was when Ford pioneered the assembly line. Advanced technology like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is fueling the most exciting innovations in recent history — think self-driving cars, virtual and augmented reality, automated investing, improved medical imaging, and more. The benefits of this technology are becoming more and more obvious, and companies are rushing toward adoption and racing to build it into their products.

JMeter Correlation: The Best Way for Extracting Variables

Dynamic response in software testing provides different values for different iterations. This might affect the subsequent requests. This JMeter Correlation article will show you how to store the dynamic value from the response, store in a variable and use it in all required requests.

What is Correlation?

Correlation is the process of extracting some value from the response of one step into the request of another step. It captures and stores the dynamic response from the server and passes it on to subsequent requests.

Why Mobile Compatibility Testing Is Crucial for Your Applications

Compatibility is the capacity to exist together. As a real-life example, water is not compatible with oil, but milk is. The same thing happens with software or apps that we build.

Compatibility Testing

Compatibility testing is a crucial QA task which guarantees that the software or product that is being tested is compatible, as desired over a broad set of client frameworks and configurations.

Test Your Service APIs Through Test Automation

You need to test your service APIs. You may expand your application into a service API. Or, you may consume someone else's service API. How do you guarantee the behavior of your own service API? And how do you ensure that your application which depends on a third-party service API? Whether you develop your own service APIs or depend on others, learn to test your service APIs.

This imperative lies at the heart of the Test Automation University course, "Exploring Service APIs Through Test Automation," with instructor Amber Race (Twitter: @ambertests). We're offering courses like this to help engineers like yourself think about and improve the quality of your services through test automation.

This Is How You Test Voice Apps in An Automated Fashion

Voice-First Testing — The Big Picture

We face different challenges when testing voice apps than when we test GUI apps. For instance, GUI apps limit the number of possible interactions a user might do. Voice, on the other hand, allows a much richer and complex set of spoken interactions, increasing the difficulty of testing. Additionally, the backend behind voice apps includes several components not owned by developers. These AI-powered elements are constantly learning and evolving by gathering insights from the myriad of interactions they receive. This is why they get constant updates and improvements, which requires us to keep up on our side by doing continuous verification to be sure nothing has broken, and that our app continues to deliver great voice experiences to our users.

We are witnessing a notable increase in the complexity of voice applications as a result of the effort companies do to provide enriched experiences that allow users to solve real and day-to-day problems. In this scenario, testing voice apps is a must.

How Much Testing Is Enough?

A frequently asked question in software testing is: “is that enough testing, or should we do more?” Whether you’re writing unit tests for your programs or finding bugs in closed-source third-party software, knowing what code you have and have not covered is an important piece of information. In this article, we’ll introduce bncov, an open-source tool developed by ForAllSecure (available at on GitHub), and demonstrate how it can be used to answer common questions that arise in software testing.

At its core, bncov is a code coverage analysis tool. While there are several well-known tools that offer visibility into code coverage, we wanted to build a solution that enhanced and/or extended functionality in the following areas:

Top 8 Usability Testing Methods

When people are using your product or service, testing is very vital. Over the years, companies have to spend a lot of money and resources so that they can improve the different aspects of their products and services. In today’s competitive market it is very important that you know about your skills and be a master in implementing them. 

If you are trying to become a successful tester in your career then you must have some important skills and knowledge about usability testing methods. There are several such methods which you can follow, and in this article, we have brought you the eight best methods of usability testing for you. Let us have a look at them!

The Lifecycle of a Testing Bug

A software bug is an error or fault in a computer program making it behave in unexpected ways. Bugs can be present at any stage during SDLC (software development lifecycle), or at the design, development, or user-acceptance testing phase. Whether you are testing a web portal for general bugs or for browser-compatibility issues, proper understanding and elimination are necessary.

Bugs can never be eliminated completely. No software can turn out to be 100 percent bug-free. But the testing team can adopt certain practices so that the elimination of bugs from software becomes easy. A good management system ensures that most bugs are found and fixed well before it enters production. If the testers and developers work efficiently, the time period from a bug’s discovery to its abolition can be minimized.

7 Reasons Why Unit Tests Are Valuable

With the latest cross-cutting concerns podcast, Matt and I discuss the StackOverflow Developer Survey 2019 results. In the podcast, I mentioned how developers said companies don't implement unit testing but that developers see the value of it.

This is good news for the industry: developers see value in unit tests. This survey is proof of that, but there are some developers who still may not see it. So, I thought this would be a great time to list the various reasons why unit tests have a lot of value to developers.

The Top DevOps Testing Tools of 2019

A significant parameter of software growth and delivery is the interaction and association that takes place among operation experts and project management professionals.

And this can happen only with the help of DevOps. It is just not a software or tool; it’s an art that you can accept for consistent development. DevOps has the ability to align your operations professionals and developer experts, permitting them to work together in comfort.

Get Started With Test Automation

When implementing test automation there are several things to consider, including: how much can we automate? which tool is right for us? can we justify the initial investment of time and effort? and much more.

It's a common challenge in the initial phase that steep learning curves make it difficult to evaluate automation tools within a reasonable time frame. This can cause the evaluation to drag out and in the worst cases, automation projects are tanked altogether.

Automation Testing Our Blockchain Significantly Improved Dev Speed and Quality (Part 2)

Today we discuss the importance of software testing in blockchain, outline benefits of automation testing and explain how to get involved in the Quality Assurance of our open source project. This is part two of the two part blog post.

Many blockchain projects don't survive long after hitting the initial production state. For most, a lack of proper software testing is one of the main reasons for their demise. It's estimated that over half a billion dollars worth of cryptocurrency has been lost due to bad code in the last year alone. You probably heard about The DAO's code loophole, which allowed attackers to drain out 3.6 million ETH (worth $70 million at the time) from the Ethereum-based smart contract. Another notorious case was the Parity bug which resulted in over $150 million permanently frozen. Even Bitcoin itself is not immune to hacks. Late last year, a bug discovered in the code allowed malicious individuals to artificially inflate Bitcoin's supply via double input. If the bug wasn't quickly identified and addressed, it could have had catastrophic effects on the network. This is just the tip of the iceberg — there are plenty of smaller incidents caused by inexperienced or inattentive developers that don't make the headlines.

What does this tell us? In development, things can go wrong fast and the outcome can be ugly. This is why software testing is so important for any project utilizing blockchain technology, such as blockchain platforms, blockchain applications or blockchain-based services.