A/B Testing: Validating Multiple Variations

Can you spot the difference? Is there one?

When you have multiple variations of your app, how do you automate the process to validate each variation?

A/B testing is a technique used to compare multiple experimental variations of the same application to determine which one is more effective with users. You typically run A/B tests to get statistically valid measures of effectiveness. But, do you know why one version is better than the other? It could be that one contains a defect.

5 Ways AI Is Shaping the Future of Software Testing

5 Ways AI Is Shaping the Future of Software Testing

Artificial Intelligence is the hottest buzzword these days and advancement in AI allows enterprises and industries to make smart decisions and radically transform processes. As software tests shift gears from manual to automation for embracing the speed for DevOps and digital transformation, artificial intelligence has emerged to be the key lever for this change.

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Applications today interact with other apps through APIs, they leveraging legacy systems, and they grow in the complex from one day to the next in a nonlinear fashion. What does that mean for experts? The recent World Quality Report declared that it will help. It is now believed that the most significant solution to overcome increasing QA Challenges will be the rising trend and introduction of machine-based intelligence.

Role of Test Automation in DevOps

Here's where QA fits into new DevOps processes.

The purpose of DevOps is to bring development and operations together. It allows them to build, test and deploy applications while reducing time-to-market considerably. Increasing the convenience and popularity of DevOps have sparked the conversation that Quality Assurance has become an outdated concept. However, it is not true.

QA was an integral part of the waterfall development process but it still holds a relevant position in DevOps. The process of DevOps never allows a lot of time for comprehensive test creation between coding and release. This also means that teams are continuously on their toes to specify, build, test, and deploy software effectively and rapidly.

Do Software Testers Actually Improve Software Quality?

What is the relationship between software testers and software quality?

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Do Testers Improve Quality, Help Improve Quality, or Only Pass Info to Others Who Do So?

Lately, I’ve been closely following a super interesting Twitter discussion about whether or not testers improve software quality. Yes, we find the bugs, but are we just the messengers? Or are we active participants in the construction of great digital products?

Tools and Frameworks for Faster Front End Testing

Tools and frameworks, just for you!

In every web app, the frontend is the face of the application that is visible to users. It includes the graphical user interface, functionality, and usability of the site. If the front-end is not working properly, you will not be able to earn potential users for your website. That’s why performing frontend testing for your web app is very crucial.

Who is a QA Tester in the Future?

How does testing change in the future?

To automate or not to automate: that is a never-ending debate. Let's face it: a fast-growing amount of data in software testing and programming leaves no choice but to replace manual practices with more efficient automated solutions. Although it's still not always clear which situations are best suited for automation, the tools are becoming refined and more accurate with each year, while the role of QA automation tester is dropping. The world of IT is moving fast to automating technical aspects of software. But the use of the human resource is left for more important tasks.

10 Tips to Improve Automated Performance Testing Within CI Pipelines (Part 2)

Take a look at this second set of CI/CD tips.

The following is part two of our three-part series, "10 Tips to Improve Automated Performance Testing within CI Pipelines." This week's installment focus is on tips 3-6: keeping tests small and targeted, testing of segments before the whole, automating things that are not flaky, and saving time through smoke testing.

2019 Top Slack Channels for Software Testers

Slack is the hottest collaboration tool in the market today, both as an internal tool for teams working together and for external groups who share similar interest and need a place to collaborate and share ideas.

Slack also offers a free tier which is used by many public communities such as software developers and testers. This tier includes unlimited private and public channels, 10K messages, up to 10 apps (Github, Bitbucket, etc.), file sharing, custom notifications and more.

Why Software Testing is Necessary for Delivering Superior Customer Experiences

Isn't this how you want your customers to view your software?

Since attending Forrester's CX SF conference, I’ve been reflecting lately upon the relationship between software quality and the customer experience for brands that are seeking to innovate and stand out in a sea of growing competition.

One recent experience of mine really highlighted this for me; I recently moved to Berkeley, so I’m still buying some furniture and other items for my home. I was about to complete an online order from a very famous store that included more than 20 items in my cart. All went well until I hit the “place order” button. After I had already finished the transaction, I was notified that some things were out of stock, others were discontinued, etc. This seems like an operational problem, but from my perspective, it’s also a software problem; the site didn’t alert me about these different issues, which caused this part of the process to ruin my experience. Then, I had to call customer service, spend an hour on the phone, follow a lengthy process to get my refund, and so on. In the end, I had undergone stress, frustration, and disappointment.

Why Is Software Testing and QA Important for Any Business?

QA and testing are essential for every business.

Software testing is recognized to be the procedure in which an application or software is validated or verified to ensure that it is free from bugs or errors. It is also done to ensure whether the software accomplishes the technical requirements, as guided by the development and design. In addition to this, it also ensures that the requirements of the user are accomplished efficiently and effectively and the boundary and exceptional cases are handled perfectly.

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In addition to detecting the faults in the software, software testing is also useful in bringing an improvement in the software, in terms of accuracy, efficiency, as well as usability. Besides this, it is also useful to measure the performance, functionality, and specification of the software application or program.

9 Essential Blogs Every Tester Should Follow in 2020

Here's where you need to go to get software testing knowledge in 2020.

2020 is almost here, and it’s time for QA professionals to make new resolutions to improve their testing process. We all understand how software testing has evolved in the last few years. From automating cross-browser testing to real-time testing of web apps with Selenium, a lot of changes have come to the testing process. Though some innovations and technologies made it easy for QA professionals to test their web app, some challenges even made the testing process more complicated than earlier.

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Thus, QAs need to keep up with the new trends in the web development sector, and they should take help from blogs and articles published by industry professionals to improve their expertise and make the testing process more efficient and effective.

10 Tips to Improve Automated Performance Testing in CI Pipelines (Part 1)

Here's 1 and 2 of the how you can create a better CI pipeline.

Getting testing right in a Continuous Integration pipeline is a critical part of software development at web scale. For many companies, it's a challenge, particularly with automated performance testing. It's not for lack of effort. Many companies can't seem to realize the full value of their efforts. The reasons are many. Some testing efforts merely reinvent the wheel. Others are conducted randomly with no apparent intention other than just for the sake of execution. Ensuring the testing is both appropriate and aimed at meeting the business requirement(s) is a distant afterthought.

It doesn't have to be this way.

Why Are Bug Tracking Tools so Important for Testing Teams?

We've got to keep track of these bugs!

Identifying bugs is one of the crucial phases in the software development lifecycle. Tracking the bug ensures quality assurance of software as well as eliminates the risk of post-release glitches. Addressing any software or an app plagued with bugs is the worst nightmare of the testers. Sometimes, the issues or discrepancies are so inconsequential that even the testers fail to track them.

Why Is Load Testing Significant?

Image titleLoad Testing can monitor the response times of the system for every single transaction during a set period of time. This kind of monitoring can bring significant information, precisely for stakeholders and business managers, who look for conclusions based on these outcomes, along with any data for supporting these findings. Such type of testing can also raise attention to any complexity and issues in the application software and fix these performance bottlenecks before they become extra problematic. As a developer or QA engineer, one can possibly incorporate several kinds of tests into the code checking: integration tests, unit tests, UI tests, and more. Load testing supports testers or engineers to understand the behavior and accessibility of the application. It critically tackles the following queries:

• Do the codes show the desired performance?

How Performance Testers Can Help Protect and Secure IT

In August of 2018 Bob Diachenko, Director of Cyber Risk Research at Hacken.io found that over 2 million Mexican citizens had their healthcare data leaked due to a security vulnerability in a system's database. At that same time, he found that the data of 93 thousand users of a popular babysitting app, Sitter, was also exposed. As if this isn't scary enough, in November, Marriott Corporation revealed that over the last four years hackers had broken into its reservation system and stealing the private data of over 500 million customers. That's more than the combined population of Russia, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Spain combined!Securing and protecting.

Securing and protecting.

Given the security breaches that have occurred at places like Facebook (50 million profiles), Equifax (143 million), Yahoo (3 billion), eBay (145 million) and surprisingly, Adult Friend Finder (412 million), you'd think that companies would learn from one another. Many have, and yet, many have not. Data theft is still an all too common occurrence in the digital landscape. That's the bad news. The good news is that security has become a company-wide concern, not something relegated to a few compliance officers sitting in isolation in the data center. Companies have come to understand that everybody has a role in making sure that its digital infrastructure is secure and protected. This includes test practitioners and QA personnel.