Scenarios When Data-Driven Testing Is Useful

In today’s world where ‘data is the new oil’ (as said by Clive Humby), not giving proper attention to data-driven testing is not justified. If you have an application that needs data input in some form then it will require data-driven testing.

Additionally, when during testing your application – there are testing scenarios that require multiple permutations/combinations of input data in your application, then you might have to think of using a test automation tool for automating them.

An End-to-End Guide to Load Testing

If you have a public-facing web application, the odds are you should probably be thinking about load testing. Any tester can (and should) add load testing to their repertoire.

Functional tests are often carried out with a single user’s experience of your application in mind, but what happens when hundreds or thousands of users are on your site at the same time? Load testing helps prepare an application for this eventuality by simulating that situation before the application goes live. That way, you have time to fix any issues you find, and there are no nasty surprises in production.

6 Data Points About How The World’s Top Organizations Test Their Software

The hot-off-the-presses How the World’s Top Organizations Test report analyzes how industry leaders test the software that their business (and the world) relies on. For this first-of-its-kind report, Tricentis interviewed quality leaders at one hundred Fortune 500 (or global equivalent) organizations and major government agencies across the Americas, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.

Although there is no shortage of reports on overall software testing trends, the state of testing at the organizational level—particularly at “household name” brands—has historically been a black box. On the one hand, large organizations often have access to resources far beyond the reach of smaller businesses (for example, commercial as well as open-source software, access to consultants and services, etc.). But on the other hand, they face daunting challenges such as:

Report: How The World’s Top Organizations Test

With every business becoming a digital enterprise, the ability to rapidly deliver reliable applications is now a core strategic advantage. Are Fortune 500 and equivalent organizations prepared for the digital race ahead? The answer may lie in their software testing process, which can be either a curse or catalyst to speedy innovation.

Although there is no shortage of reports on overall software testing trends, the state of testing at the organizational level—particularly at “household name” brands — has historically been a black box. On the one hand, these large organizations often have access to resources far beyond the reach of smaller businesses (for example, commercial as well as open-source software, access to consultants and services, etc.). But on the other hand, they face daunting challenges such as:

Quality Sense Podcast: Simon Prior – #MakeATester

In this Quality Sense episode, our host Federico has the pleasure of interviewing Simon Prior, who has worked across the cyber security, Retail, gaming and airline industries. Simon is a passionate software quality leader, advocate of the importance of teaching testing at universities and co-host of the Testing Peers podcast.

Episode Highlights

  • How Simon got started in his testing career and why
  • Why universities don’t teach the top skills needed in software testing (hint, the most critical ones aren’t technical!)
  • How to help form more potential testing candidates and widen the talent pool 
  • What to look for when hiring a tester with no experience?

Monitoring vs. Observability

The IT sector has become exponentially complex in recent times – more environments, more connected devices, more data, and more updates. As such, the legacy methods used to monitor modern disseminated applications and the management of predictive failures do not work optimally. Monitoring is a crucial factor to growth and keeping pace with the  challenges that technology brings.

Observability tends to streamline complexities. To efficiently diagnose and debug code, the system must be observable in the lines of the microservices' architecture. But what makes this new IT buzzword different from monitoring?

Software Testing Expert Roundup: 2021 Edition

It’s been some time since we published our last expert roundup, so we wanted to ask around in our community how leaders in testing are feeling these days about work (as we enter the second year of the pandemic), new trends they’re seeing on the horizon and advice for upping one’s testing game in 2021!

Meet the software testing experts in this year’s roundup:

A Guide to Payment Gateway Testing

It’s easy to see why more consumers are switching to digital payment methods: it’s more convenient, easier to track, and reduces contact. To keep up with consumer expectations, eCommerce websites must ensure their payment channels are secure and seamless. Any issue with online payments directly impacts revenue, website traffic, and customer loyalty.

In short, payment channels that regularly undergo payment gateway testing are ready for market, ready for the consumer, and ready to combat any cybercriminal attempts. But how can QA testers keep track of every test case scenario for payment gateway channels?

Device Coverage Report 2021

There are nearly 6 million apps that are distributed across the globe through different app distribution markets. This number is climbing as many more apps are being developed daily. Gone are the days when we had apps only to play games on mobile devices. The new age of app development has revealed that we are closing in on having apps for every need. With the help of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, Augmented and Virtual Reality, we are able to achieve more than what we could ever imagine.

Importance of Omnichannel Communication and Devices

The App world is no more restricted to mobile devices and smartphones. With the rise of digitalization, Businesses and Enterprises are focussing on having an omnichannel presence to maximize the reach and make it easy for their consumers to use their services. Creating an omnichannel presence by using Multi-experience Development platforms has come to the forefront. Transitioning from Mobile and smartphones to Web Applications has taken a center stage off late. There are many other Testing Trends that are set to make an impact in 2021, ensuring that you are staying ahead in understanding these trends will also enable you to ease your testing efforts.

8 of the Best Software Testing Newsletters You Should Subscribe To

Newsletters are a great way to be continuously updated with what is happening around the world. What started as a formal exchange between officials in ancient Rome has become an essential part of the email newsroom. Instead of collecting and organizing the daily happenings in general, newsletters serve a specific purpose today. A newsletter helps us take a few minutes out of our busy schedule and keeps us connected with our fields of interest, be it technology or travel.

Over time newsletters have evolved with the reader’s interest shifting its focus. In earlier times, a newsletter was just news. Today, reader’s interest is more focused on specific blogs, articles, podcasts, webinars, and anything that can benefit a reader. While newsletters are of different types, our focus for this post would be computer geeks, specifically software testers. These software testing newsletters will introduce you to exciting concepts like metamorphic testing (happened with me!) while keeping you acquainted with the latest software testing news.

Best Practices to Follow While Testing Banking Applications

Today, it is very rare that a bank does not have an online presence; all the banks have various mobile and web applications to help their customers view account balance online, do transactions, pay utility bills, and access many other services.

To stay competitive in the market and also to gain customer satisfaction, designing, and then providing error-free, user-friendly application is very crucial. To achieve this, the testing team plays a vital role during the development process; they need to test the system with the utmost caution.

If Testing Was a Race, Data Would Win Every Time

Okay, so that title doesn’t make complete sense. However, if you read to the end of this article, all will become clear. I’m first going to discuss some of the persistent barriers to in-sprint testing and development. I will then discuss a viable route to delivering rigorously tested systems in short sprints.

The two kingpins in this approach will be data and automation, working in tandem to convert insights about what needs testing into rigorous automated tests. But first, let’s consider why it remains so challenging to design, develop and test in-sprint.

Exploratory Testing: A Guide Toward Better Test Coverage

Exploratory testing is a black box testing technique which gives testers the freedom to think outside-the-box with a minimal dependency on pre-designed answers and checklists in order to improve the quality of an application. Exploratory testing is a detailed series of testing conducted by exploring the platform, designing test cases, executing those test cases, and measuring the results. The rule of thumb for exploratory testing is minimum planning and maximum execution

Exploratory testing is a crucial aspect of software testing as it is not a script-based test – it involves the art of being creative and productive. Nowadays, this type of testing is preferable as it doesn’t define a fixed set of methodologies which a tester has to follow. The tester is completely free to follow their own path, to play with an application, and to identify potential bugs. This is actually a process that simultaneously carries out the activities of test design and test execution without formally documenting the test cases and test conditions.

Best Practices For Agile Testing (Updated)

Agile Testing Methodology helps you focus on the exact issues that need to be covered. Agile testing is now a crucial part of deriving the life-cycle of an application. Moreover, it has a great impact on the overall software development and quality assurance aspects. In addition to that, agile testing is all about helping business owners get high-quality applications without bugs and error interference. Hence, this article is all about explaining to you the latest and best practices for agile testing adapted under the Agile testing methodology.

Best Practice for Agile Testing

In this digital world, Agile Testing Becomes the most critical concept of software development, This process also plays an important role in Quality improvement. Today, In this blog we will be going to take a deep-dive analysis of agile testing best practices.

Test Data Factory: Why and How to Use

What Problem Does the Test Data Factory Solve?

One of the biggest pain points during test automation, whatever the layer you are testing, is to manage the test data. I would say it’s quite easy to manage in the unit and integration levels, where we can control the application state, but for functional and e2e tests it’s quite hard.

Would be awesome if we could stop manually change data we have in the code file or even from an external source like a CSV or JSON file, right?

How to Keep Software Testers Motivated

Recently, I gave a talk at Agile Testing Days called “How to Keep Testers Motivated.” This topic is one that’s close to my heart because as COO, I manage all of Abstracta’s operations that rely on the effort of more than 100 software testers. Therefore, the motivation of the people working with us is a key factor to success: the company’s success, the different teams’ success, and their personal success.

I remember last year during the TestingUY conference in Uruguay, Melissa Eaden was answering a question from the audience and she said that everyone can do testing, but only a tester does good testing. I fully agree with her, but I like to add a little detail to this affirmation, which is that only a motivated tester does good testing.