Software Testing Trends to Win in 2022

Due to the pandemic, the adoption of digital technologies has been phenomenal across the verticals and horizontals.

As per a survey conducted by McKinsey & Company, responses to COVID-19 have only sped up the adoption of digital technologies by several years — and many of these changes could be here for the long haul. 

Privacy and Confidentiality in Security Testing

Privacy and confidentiality are two commonly used terms that appear together when we talk about personal information, its security, and how to protect it from compromise. But there is often confusion about the differences between the two.

What Is Healthcare Data Security and What Does QA Testing Have To Do With Privacy and Confidentiality?

Let’s look at it from a real-life perspective where the privacy of a person is crucial as well as confidentiality. 

What Is Test Scenario?

What Is a Test Scenario?

A Test Scenario is any user that can be tested. Test Scenario is also known as Test Possibility or Test Condition. As an analyst, you should put yourself in the shoes of the end client and sort out the current actual situation while using examples of the Application under Test.

What Is Scenario Testing?

In programming testing, situation testing refers to an approach that uses real-world scenarios rather than experiments to test a product's applicability. Situation testing is used to test a product's complicated issues from beginning to end. Situations make it easier to test and evaluate complicated problems from beginning to end.

QA To Support Software Development Life Cycle: Best Practices To Follow

Hardly anyone would argue that speed and innovation are pillars of efficient product delivery contributing to success on the market today. With the ability to smoothly introduce tech novelties and release top-tier software faster, companies embark on the path to recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath and adjusting to the "next normal." 

To do it confidently and guarantee that software meets planned business requirements, open-minded companies embed QA into a software development life cycle (SDLC). 

Time Estimation in Software Testing

Striking the right balance between maintaining the software quality and taking care of the release date is one of the many challenges that we partake in the software development life cycle. As a result, it becomes extremely necessary in building the right test cases to address and resort to addressing the product risk with the adjoined test case. While this is standard practice and should be given the maximum value, dissecting each requirement with the test case will seemingly postpone the end date of delivery and subsequent launch of the product. This is where proper planning comes into action. Estimating the testing time takes proper planning and treating the SDLC as a puzzle, wherein you will have to compartmentalize each part of the puzzle and think it directly in terms of testing. 

Planning makes it feasible to utilize the already available resources to the best of your capabilities and also helps in predicting your long-terms as well as short-term project goals. The closer and accurate your planning data turns out to be the closer you are going to get to higher quality project management. 

The Ultimate Guide to Automation Testing

Software testing is a vast field, however, it may be divided into two categories: automation testing and manual testing. Both automatic and manual tests have drawbacks and benefits. Testing is an important part of any successful software development project. The type of test (automated or manual) is determined by a number of factors, including the budget, project needs, suitability, expertise, and deadline. Quality, cost, and time are three critical aspects of any project; the fundamental goal of any successful project is to reduce the time and expense required to complete it while maintaining high-quality outcomes.


  1. What is Automation Testing?
  2. How does Automation Testing Work?
  3. What are the key benefits of automation testing?
  4. Automation Testing Tools
  5. Automation Testing Lifecycle Methodology
  6. Automation Testing Vs Manual Testing
  7. What is Automation Testing Framework?

What is Automation Testing?

Automated Testing is the process of executing test cases through preset activities utilizing scripts, tools, and software. Using test automation tools, automation testing mostly finds problems. It focuses on using gadgets or systems to replace manual actions. The test scripts are implemented and the results are generated automatically by test automation tools in this phase. These programs check the software, report the results, and compare the results to previous test runs. Selenium Web Driver, HP QTP/UFT, and others are useful technologies for automating testing.

11 Core Reasons Why Software Testing Has a Better Future than Development

Even though there is a long-running debate on which one amongst these two holds a better future, it seems that tests hold great possibilities. There has been always been a conflict between the two prevailing roads in software science – software tests and software development. Persons

are time and again left confused while choosing either of them for their profession. The reason; there are several misconceptions on both these career choices that over weigh one another.

All You Need to Know About Automation Testing Life Cycle


Testing has become standardized and more competent, and its processes are evolving every day. The technical adeptness of the testers also matters in the success of the complete testing stages. Testing no longer means discovering bugs only; its scope has broadened, and its importance can be seen right from the start of any development project.

When we talk about the automation testing life cycle, most of us believe it is just a part of SDLC, but it is a lot more than that. It is necessary to understand that automation testing should be a prominent part of the automation testing strategy and has a life cycle. Businesses have to adapt it to enhance the quality of their software products.

How to Automate Restful APIs Using Jayway Library

Software APIs have been one of the most trending technologies. While most functional testing requires interaction with the user interface, API testing involves by-passing the user interface and communicating directly with an application server by making calls to its API. Successful web applications and mobile apps are all the results of the greatest API at the backend.

In agile methodology, most of the QA’s time is spent automating against the GUI using Selenium or any other framework. But in this article, we would look up the smart way to automate our APIs so that UI automation can be reduced a little and automation testing can be done more reliably.

Software Testing: Essential 4 Levels

The goal of Levels of Testing is to make software testing more structured and efficient, as well as to make it easier to identify all available test cases and test scenarios at a given level. There are various steps in the SDLC paradigm, such as requirement gathering, analysis, coding, design, execution, testing, and deployment. All of these steps go through the software testing process's tiers of testing.

There are numerous testing levels that are employed or assist in the verification of actions and performance in software testing. These testing levels are intended to fill in any gaps, and they are re-coded and re-linked as the development lifecycle progresses.

5 Types of Software Testing Models

Originally published October 17, 2021

One of the critical aspects of the software development life cycle is software testing. Today, there are a plethora of different software development models to choose from, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. As a result, depending on the project's requirements and difficulties, you must choose just the right model. Let's look at various software testing models, their advantages and disadvantages.

How to Avoid the Ice Cream Cone of Test Automation

The testing process is key to delivering quality software. But as the demand for faster delivery increases, it becomes harder for human teams to keep up. Luckily, test automation can help cover tasks.

And DevOps can further help position testing efforts within the software development cycle. But when dealing with larger software products that have constantly evolving functionality, test automation gets trickier.

How To Effectively Perform White Box Testing

White box testing is a type of testing technique that aims to evaluate the code, design, and internal structure of a program to improve its design, usability, and security. It is one of the two parts of Box Testing methodologies included in software QA testing.

The term “white box” is used to refer to the concept of the see-through box. Simply put, the clear box or White Box symbolizes the ability to look through the outer shell of a program and into its inner layout.

Understanding Selenium: The Automation Testing Tool


With an increasing demand for test automation services, organizations are looking at investing in the best test automation tools for their business. Selenium is on the top of their list because of its numerous advantages. Research has predicted the growth of the Global Automation testing market to reach US $109.69 billion by 2025, which means that software testing is evolving and growing fast. The impact of Selenium Testing is such that it has turned out to be a game-changer in the Software Testing world. Test automation has become more efficient than ever before, the high levels of accuracy that are achieved are saving a lot of time for the QA team as well. Selenium has contributed a lot in bringing this exponential change in the testing space and continuous development and delivery process.

What Is Selenium?

Selenium does not need any introduction. It is quite popular in the software testing industry and the most liked web-based software test automation tool that has set its benchmark for a long time now. Here is a list of a few of the top features of Selenium:

Codeless Test Automation: The Biggest Software Testing Trend of 2021

Codeless test automation is arising as a promising solution for non-programmers during the software development cycle. Organizations are attempting to solve fast-tracking software delivery and the technical effort it takes to test. That's where software testing is switching from manual testing to codeless automation testing tools to validate applications.

Besides CI/CD integrations and multiple types of testing coverage, codeless test automation also solves the issue of coding skills resulting in more and faster releases. Thus, simplifying the testing processes for QA teams no matter how sophisticated the software is. 

Top 30+ DevOps Interview Questions

Total DevOps Interview Questions and Answers

DevOps is the offspring of agile software development that has been increasingly attracting attention from large enterprises such as Google, Facebook, or Amazon. Advancements in agile software development also exposed the need for more promising DevOps-related jobs.

Whether you are applying for a DevOps engineer, analyst, or specialist, besides professional skill sets required, a well-prepared DevOps job interview plays a fundamental role in successfully breaking into the industry.