Codeless Test Automation: The Biggest Software Testing Trend of 2021

Codeless test automation is arising as a promising solution for non-programmers during the software development cycle. Organizations are attempting to solve fast-tracking software delivery and the technical effort it takes to test. That's where software testing is switching from manual testing to codeless automation testing tools to validate applications.

Besides CI/CD integrations and multiple types of testing coverage, codeless test automation also solves the issue of coding skills resulting in more and faster releases. Thus, simplifying the testing processes for QA teams no matter how sophisticated the software is. 

Effective Jira Test Case Management

Delivering the best quality software is the end game for any software project. And for the sake of that, you need test repeatedly. This should specifically be the case in organizations practicing DevOps. However, there are several organizations that lack the tools in order to manage the test properly. This is especially common for Jira users to track development related issues. Due to Jira’s lack of built-in testing functionality, Jira test case management has to be manually aligned

Before diving deeper let us quickly go through what Jira testing is and why it has created a buzz.

Regression Testing: Tools and Techniques

Regression Testing, by its definition, is a type of software testing to confirm that a recent program or code change has not adversely affected existing features.

It is done to make sure that the existing application is intact with the newly added features and nothing is broken. In order to achieve that, the existing test cases are executed selectively or sometimes completely. Regression testing ensures that the old code still works once the new code changes are done.