How Do You Test Your Tests

Software today has shifted far from the monoliths of the past towards microservices. Microservices have many benefits over monoliths. They are more flexible, scalable and generally enable developers to add features more quickly. Unfortunately, testing cloud platform microservices is more complicated than it was in the monolithic ancestors. 

For cloud services, functional, integration, and unit tests are performed by creating a lower-level version of your function and plugging in inputs. The outputs from the function can show how your logic and infrastructure performed during the test. 

How To Select Automated Testing Software


The successful implementation of automation testing has a lot to do with the right software. In fact, that's what makes or breaks the testing process. One of the major dilemmas that most organizations face is choosing the right automated testing software. As per the World Quality Report conducted in 2014-2015, at least 54% of the IT leaders informed that their organizations lack suitable tools for automation while provisioning test environments to their teams. 

Six years later, while a lot has advanced in the world of automation and technology, the dilemma remains—what features should an ideal automated testing software have? In this post, we'll discuss which features contribute to ensuring quality assurance and lead to a sustainable testing process.

Top 15 Software Testing Trends to Watch Out in 2021

There has been a great advancement and growth in the sector of QA testing with the latest trends introducing into IT field services. The introduction of innovative technologies has brought the newest updates in software testing, development, design, and delivery. The high priority of enterprises around the world is cost optimization. In undertaking so, the majority of the IT leaders believe in the incorporation of the newest IT methodologies for their organization. Digital transformation is yet another significant focus point for the sectors and the enterprises that are ranking top on cloud and business analytics. 

Even automation practices became the mainstream, paving the way for flawless test practices. Besides, AI and ML seem to reach a new level. Nowadays, Big Data tests mainly include data testing, paving the way for the Internet of Things to become the center point. It is one focal point where all software testing companies should treat with care. Factors such as reliability and quality are being given extra attention that results in the decrease of software app errors, enhancing the security and the app performance.

Visual Test Analytics – The Future of Software Test Reports

If you are a practitioner of automated testing, It's quite common to frequently script and runs a high number of automated tests for the businesses we work with.

 So when you have a high volume of test results to analyze, it can be challenging to analyze and understand the product's insights. Even exporting results in Excel will not help as such large amounts of data makes it difficult to identify trends.

Explaining the Difference Between Web and Mobile App Testing

If a product has a web and a mobile version of an application, their functionality is almost identical. The app QA process, however, will flow differently for each platform due to their particularities.

A mobile application has become an umbrella term that covers three different types of apps – native, PWA, and hybrid. Each is coded in a specific way and has some distinctive features. 

How AI Will Transform the Testing Process

To what extent will AI fundamentally change the way we work? What about the change management process? Will AI augment or replace testers? How do we introduce an AI initiative and ensure we are taking the testing team along with us on the journey?Image title

Although biology often inspires human innovation, it hardly leads to a direct implementation. Birds taught humans that flying is possible and inspired human creativity for centuries. But the design of today’s planes and helicopters does not have much in common with their biological role models. As humans learn and apply principles, we adapt them to our needs. Instead of creating mechanical legs for our vehicles that can climb over obstacles, we removed the obstacles and paved the way for our wheeled transportation­­ — which happens to be both faster and more efficient.

Top 26 Software Testing Quotes

Here are some of the most interesting, inspiring, and contentious software testing quotes that have crossed our path over the past year.

The testing mindset is ‘I’m going to figure out how to break this.’ This is great because it gets developers thinking: ‘I’m not going to let them break this’ — and the software is much stronger as a result.