Containers are Here to Stay

Containers are not a fad. They’re never overkill for any project and they simplify many aspects of development, even when running locally. With a wide selection of relevant tools and resources, there has never been a better time than now to implement containers in your organization and get ahead of the curve.

What Are Containers?

Containers are portable, self-sufficient, standardized units that store all code, assets, and dependencies of a program. They can be shared and run on virtually any hardware. Containerization has been around for years, although it has recently been gaining more traction with the advent of Docker. Many organizations are recognizing the value of managing their code in a simplified, shareable, and maintainable way. What does this mean for you and your organization?

Visual Test Analytics – The Future of Software Test Reports

If you are a practitioner of automated testing, It's quite common to frequently script and runs a high number of automated tests for the businesses we work with.

 So when you have a high volume of test results to analyze, it can be challenging to analyze and understand the product's insights. Even exporting results in Excel will not help as such large amounts of data makes it difficult to identify trends.

5 Takeaways From the 2019 State of Testing Report

The State of Testing report’s 6th edition is now live, and it is packed with interesting trends and insights from the software testing community.

The State of Testing is the largest testing survey worldwide, with over 1,000 participants from over 80 countries. Created by PractiTest and Tea Time with Testers, the report aims to shed light on the most important trends in the software testing community, and grant testers the ability to better understand their professional status relative to other testers and companies worldwide.

Speed Up Quality Assurance With Early Visibility Into Requirements

“If we only had more time.”

How often have you heard that expression? Better yet, how often have you heard that excuse? If you’re reading this article, the chances are that you’re involved in either the development or testing of software. Perhaps you’re a product owner, maybe a dev lead, or a QA testing director overseeing a portfolio of customer-facing software applications. Any way you cut it, time always seems to run out when we need it the most.