11 Core Reasons Why Software Testing Has a Better Future than Development

Even though there is a long-running debate on which one amongst these two holds a better future, it seems that tests hold great possibilities. There has been always been a conflict between the two prevailing roads in software science – software tests and software development. Persons

are time and again left confused while choosing either of them for their profession. The reason; there are several misconceptions on both these career choices that over weigh one another.

5 Types of Software Testing Models

Originally published October 17, 2021

One of the critical aspects of the software development life cycle is software testing. Today, there are a plethora of different software development models to choose from, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. As a result, depending on the project's requirements and difficulties, you must choose just the right model. Let's look at various software testing models, their advantages and disadvantages.

A Complete Guide to Endurance Testing

Endurance testing in software testing is a kind of non-functional test that is performed to evaluate the software applications’ behavior under high loads for an extended amount of time. It is performed during the last stage of the performance run cycle, and sometimes, can last for as long as a year. 

The following are some of the goals of running an endurance test:

How to Create E-Learning Cloud Software Users Will Love

Over the last ten months, the educational sector was forced to reconsider many routines. After the shutdowns, schools had to create a virtual learning environment that would be as close to classroom learning as possible. And to be honest, that appeared to be a huge problem due to both unequal access to gadgets and lack of integration of technology into the daily educational practices.

These circumstances resulted in the increased attention to e-learning using cloud computing. On the one hand, cloud software helps to make the shift to remote studying less complicated. On the other hand, it offers benefits to exploit in a traditional classroom environment as well.

Visual Test Analytics – The Future of Software Test Reports

If you are a practitioner of automated testing, It's quite common to frequently script and runs a high number of automated tests for the businesses we work with.

 So when you have a high volume of test results to analyze, it can be challenging to analyze and understand the product's insights. Even exporting results in Excel will not help as such large amounts of data makes it difficult to identify trends.

Compare Software Testing Methodologies for Your Needs

The choice is yours!

The choice is yours. You know your product. You know the problem it solves and why it will soon become vital to the working lives of untold numbers of users. What you might not know is how best to test that product so that your development intention becomes a product reality.

There are a number of different software testing methodologies available to you to reach that reality. Each is designed with a specific purpose in mind, and each has value in a comprehensive test plan.

How to Test the Graphical User Interface: a Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to test your Graphical User Interface.

Most people interact with software applications daily, whether it’s on a tablet, smartphone, or computer, because of the rapid growth in mobile technology, the web, and app development industry is more competitive than ever before. This is why popular software programs are visually appealing, easy-to-use, and stable. The only way to achieve this, apart from the effective development, is with thorough software testing.

8 DevOps Trends to Watch For in 2020

Here's what you can look forward to for DevOps 2020.

According to a collective study, the DevOps market generated 2.9 billion in 2017 and the market is expected to reach $6.6 billion by 2022. DevOps has become a key focus and has shaped the world of software and many experts predict that DevOps is going to be the mainstream and is going to reach its peak in 2020.

Who is a QA Tester in the Future?

How does testing change in the future?

To automate or not to automate: that is a never-ending debate. Let's face it: a fast-growing amount of data in software testing and programming leaves no choice but to replace manual practices with more efficient automated solutions. Although it's still not always clear which situations are best suited for automation, the tools are becoming refined and more accurate with each year, while the role of QA automation tester is dropping. The world of IT is moving fast to automating technical aspects of software. But the use of the human resource is left for more important tasks.

Why Is Load Testing Significant?

Image titleLoad Testing can monitor the response times of the system for every single transaction during a set period of time. This kind of monitoring can bring significant information, precisely for stakeholders and business managers, who look for conclusions based on these outcomes, along with any data for supporting these findings. Such type of testing can also raise attention to any complexity and issues in the application software and fix these performance bottlenecks before they become extra problematic. As a developer or QA engineer, one can possibly incorporate several kinds of tests into the code checking: integration tests, unit tests, UI tests, and more. Load testing supports testers or engineers to understand the behavior and accessibility of the application. It critically tackles the following queries:

• Do the codes show the desired performance?