Test Plan and Test Strategy: Best Practices That Will Make Your Product Development a Success

Without a crystal clear understanding of the processes when a team works on a software product, it can be tempting to think that all the problems stem from under-qualified QA engineers who click around randomly and ruin the hard work of the whole team. However, the value and purpose of the quality assurance process are not transparent without documentation. That's where a test plan and test strategy can help.

Even for those who are well aware of the processes, there's still the problem of measuring the quality QAs provide. If you don't measure quality, you don't have any control over the testing process or any ability to anticipate the results. So how should you know what exactly you paid for?

API Test Automation With RestAssured Library and Cucumber BDD Framework

Introduction to Rest Assured Library

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architecture that consumes HTTP calls for inter-system communication where a client can access the server resource with a unique URI, and the response of the resource is returned. The URI of the resource acts as a resource identifier, and HTTP operations like GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE can be performed on the resource.

REST Assured is a Java library that leverages developing robust, maintainable tests for Restful APIs with domain-specific language(DSL). Let’s discuss some of the salient features of the Rest Assured Library:

Guide to TestNG Assertions in Selenium Based Test Automation

We all know that testing is a significant part of SDLC, which can be performed manually or automated. No matter which testing type we adopt, knowing where we are getting application blockers while testing is essential. Learning application blockers becomes a bit easy while manually testing an application as human touch is involved.

However, when testing an application via automation, we should explicitly adopt a strategy where we can validate whether the expected results meet the actual results or not.

Top Powerful AI Test Automation Tools for the Future

Test automation has transformed significantly over the years. It has helped QA teams reduce the chances of human error to a great extent. There are plenty of tools available for test automation, but identifying the right automation testing tool has always been a priority for an automation testing plan to be a success. Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and neural networks are the trending topics of discussion in the tech world today. And, AI inevitably makes its place even in the automation testing space. The use of AI testing tools has taken over the burden of handling repetitive tasks, saving hours of work so that the team can utilize its time for performing more complex and critical tasks. It has played a prominent role in catering to the rising need to develop swiftly and smartly. Even though the current practices of continuous testing, DevOps, and Agile have kept the software development process in place, introducing AI has subtly unlocked the true potential of software testing and driven a path to Continuous Test Automation.

What Is AI Automation Testing?

AI, in simple terms, is the ability of a computer program or a computer to think and learn like a human being, i.e., the capability of a machine to reason itself — learn, modify data and use it in a beneficial way to handle any future scenarios. It applies reasoning and problem solving to automate the testing process.

What Is Test Monitoring and Test Control?


In the field of app testing, QA managers and other senior testing professionals must implement different test management approaches such as test monitoring and control to ensure that the test suite runs smoothly. These essential management strategies are required by the managers to track and align the test progress for optimal accuracy and efficiency.

What Is Test Monitoring?

Test monitoring is a test execution process in which all testing activities and efforts are evaluated to:

Top Automation Practices to Avoid During Testing


The quality of software solutions delivered to consumers determines the success of every software development company. The hard work of the QA team, which frequently tests and updates the software product to keep it up to date, is one of the most significant factors in ensuring the product’s quality. Automation testing best practices and appropriate test automation technologies can help a company achieve this, but what if your tests fail despite your best efforts? Automation testers make mistakes in their eagerness to do their best, which costs them time and money. It also raises questions about their competency and trustworthiness. It may sound like a nightmare for the company but breathe a relief because you can prevent these blunders.

Automation Testing Practices That Testers Need to Take a Break From

When executing various types of automation testing in the automation testing life cycle. Many novice testers and developers make automation testing blunders. It’s more vital to avoid some of the automation testing practices than it is to get the testing right. Many automation testing tools, automation frameworks, and some AI-based automation tools in the market claim to be a one-stop-shop for all automation testing issues. You can resolve the problem to some extent, but half of it remains, leaving behind the costly impact of the consequences.

Verification and Validation in Testing


You are at the right place! This is not a free vocabulary-building class but a critical evaluation of a much sought-after debate around verification and validation in the software testing world. Why do we need to know the difference between Verification and Validation? Even though they sound just about the same, they carry different meanings depending on what you intend to do as a tester/developer in the software development and testing process. They both go hand in hand while solving a problem. However, there is a lot of confusion around the meaning of these two words concerning software testing. While there may be many definitions of these terms in various fields on the internet, here we will look at these terms in the testing space and analyze both of these terms in detail.

Verification vs Validation

Software testing is a vast field. It involves various methods and processes proposed to solve different software testing issues. Verification and Validation are also a part of the same group in software testing. It is also known as a V-Model (Verification and Validation model) in the context of software development and testing.

2020 and Top Codeless Testing Tools You’d Better Know

This article was originally published in May 2020.

Coding may take years to practice to master. Having testers program a bunch of codes, fix errors in applications, and finish backlogs in weeks are challenging, time-consuming, and cost rising. The World Quality Report 2019–2020 has pointed out that lacking advanced programming expertise is one of the top challenges when applying test automation to Agile projects. We could say, the development of codeless automation testing tools is an emerging solution to the challenge.

Rise of Super Apps – A Boon or Bane?

The iOS App store started with just 500 apps back in 2008 and today they have more than 1.85 million different apps for users to download and use. The android apps on the other hand have even more apps to download and use with over 2.56 million apps that are available through the Google Play Store. While there are tons of apps to choose from, not many make the cut to stay on the phone for several quality issues or bugs within the app. And of course, there is the issue of multiple apps for the same purpose. However, there is a new breed of apps that is making its way into the world of apps that fulfills many purposes using a single app — the Super Apps.

Today, we use multiple apps to perform various functions in our household. We use WhatsApp to send messages, we use Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc for social media, we use different apps to order our groceries and also use various ride-sharing or cab-hailing apps to get from one place to another, and the list goes on. The point I’m making here is that we use a lot of apps on a daily basis to go through the day. But imagine if you could simply use a single app to meet all your needs, be it booking a cab, ordering groceries, paying your bills, etc. That is precisely what a Super App aims to do. Let us delve into Super Apps a bit more to understand how they work.

Test Automation vs. Autonomous Testing

The software testing space saw a paradigm shift in testing methodologies from manual to test automation with the new technologies. Digitization certainly comes with benefits, such as increased productivity; at the same time, it also results in the complexity of applications. Fintech applications are the best examples of banking services to complex app-based applications. The challenge is to provide the most satisfactory customer experience on these applications and perform well. Software testing is the game-changer and will play a vital role in this fast-paced DevOps world. It would be difficult for organizations to retain the best possible customer experience while delivering faster products to the market with traditional test automation approaches.

Let's understand more about test automation and how it is inadequate in handling new age practices and customer expectations.

QAOps: A Software Testing Trend

Talking about development these days, streamlining the entire software development lifecycle turns out to be an extreme hustle. Especially, when you need to ensure the product developed should meet all the defined guidelines, right from the framed requirements to ensuring early and successful deliveries, quality often takes a backseat on the way to creating sustainable technology.

As per a recent article by Forbes, poor-quality software costs organizations $2.8 trillion in the U.S. alone, according to the Consortium for IT Software Quality (CISQ). This means a product made with sacrifices on the quality aspect often turns out to be a shortsighted delivery strategy that ends up business and developers with the havoc of long-term troubles. Luckily, software testing has always emerged as a sustainable practice that has helped brands across the globe to yield technologies for life.

What Is Sanity Testing? – A Brief Guide

Software testing is crucial in the development and delivery of software. There are various types of software testing, each with its own function in the software development process. One of the most useful tests among them is sanity testing.

What Is Sanity Testing?

It's a type of software testing that ensures flaws are repaired and that the modifications don't cause any new problems. It's a form of retesting to make sure that any updates or newly introduced features work as planned. The goal of sanity testing is to validate the application's functionality, not to perform extensive testing. It's typically used to fix major bugs. It is done to check that fresh code changes are working properly. The goal is not to test the application's important functionalities, but rather to see if the defects have been fixed. It generally works after a slight adjustment.

Tools and Tips To Test Insurance Domain Applications

In today's world, insurance companies provide a variety of insurance options related to life, automobile, health, property, and casualty, with different types of coverage plans. Insurance companies are continuously looking for technical solutions to meet the demands of the customers and create products according to their needs.

Each technical solution needs to be tested thoroughly to be consistent and durable. Each insurance company uses various combinations of tools and technologies to maintain their software as these help them to improve customer satisfaction and reduce the cost to manage data. Insurance companies are also focusing on keeping their customer's data safe and secure. In the insurance domain, it is very crucial to keep the software and products up to date.

How to Configure Selenium in Eclipse

Managing user experience is pivotal for software development. Test automation enables user preferences and convenience to remain at the center of the development process while saving time and effort. That is why comprehensive automation testing has become necessary to retain customers and meet their expectations. With significantly shorter time frames for development, Selenium Testing, in particular, has become an integral part of the development to facilitate automated testing of web applications. 

Selenium is the most popular automated tool in existence today. 59.5% of people consider Selenium for Cross Browser Testing because of the robustness and flexibility it offers by supporting multiple languages like Java, C#, Python, Perl, Ruby, etc. However, a majority (67%) of the Selenium users prefer Java as their language for Selenium Testing.

Test Case vs. Test Scenario

Test Case

A test case is a set of activities that are carried out to verify the functionality of a certain component or feature of your product application. A test case is a set of test steps, test information, preconditions, and postconditions built for specific test cases to ensure that all prerequisites are met.

It's a collection of circumstances or elements. When a tester determines whether an application, programming framework, or one of its features is performing as expected.

Zero Trust Security Model to Safeguard Software Apps

We've all heard a lot about digital transformation and how it affects the IT world. Each of these technologies, whether it's big data, the Internet of Things (IoT), or cloud computing, has made a significant contribution to a range of enterprises. Few people, however, talk about the complexity they add, especially in the context of business network infrastructures.

The fences are crumbling, and there is a hazy peripheral that is causing security concerns.

Creating Selenium Test Cases: A Tutorial

Selenium has established itself as one of the most popular automation testing frameworks within the software engineering community. Comprising a suite of tools - viz. IDE, RC, WebDriver, and Grid - Selenium has quickly established itself as a market leader in the test automation sector. 

Selenium capitalized on the inadequacies of previously used frameworks like HP QTP, and Mercury’s Astra QuickTest which compelled users to write scripts in VBScript and were primarily intended for desktop-based tests. Its support of a variety of languages like Java, Python, C#, Perl, Ruby, .net, and PHP, has made it popular with individual testers and companies like Netflix, Google, HubSpot, and Fitbit among others.

A Brief Guide to Gray Box Testing

In software testing, gray box testing is a useful technique for ensuring that published software is performant, safe, and meets the needs of intended users. It's a convenient approach to test apps from the outside while keeping track of their internal operations.

Gray box testing combines the benefits of both black box and white box testing. This type of testing is done with limited knowledge of the application's underlying code and architecture, and it can be done manually or automatically.