3 Remote Work Tips for Software Testing Teams

Yes, making a sharp and unexpected pivot into remote work brings a fair share of complications, no matter what you do for a living. But software testers are facing some unique challenges. Coordinating testing across all the different tools and people involved in the end-to-end quality process was never easy to begin with. But now, many organizations are deploying urgent updates almost instantly — which means testers need to figure out how to test even more efficiently as they negotiate new ways of working.

We wanted to take this opportunity to share some tools and tips that are helping testers within our own teams as well as our customers’ teams. If you have additional ideas, we encourage you to add them in the comments section. Ideally, we’d like to update this post periodically to provide a central reference point for best practices that are adding value across the testing community.

Do Software Testers Actually Improve Software Quality?

What is the relationship between software testers and software quality?

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Do Testers Improve Quality, Help Improve Quality, or Only Pass Info to Others Who Do So?

Lately, I’ve been closely following a super interesting Twitter discussion about whether or not testers improve software quality. Yes, we find the bugs, but are we just the messengers? Or are we active participants in the construction of great digital products?

9 Essential Blogs Every Tester Should Follow in 2020

Here's where you need to go to get software testing knowledge in 2020.

2020 is almost here, and it’s time for QA professionals to make new resolutions to improve their testing process. We all understand how software testing has evolved in the last few years. From automating cross-browser testing to real-time testing of web apps with Selenium, a lot of changes have come to the testing process. Though some innovations and technologies made it easy for QA professionals to test their web app, some challenges even made the testing process more complicated than earlier.

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Thus, QAs need to keep up with the new trends in the web development sector, and they should take help from blogs and articles published by industry professionals to improve their expertise and make the testing process more efficient and effective.

Why Are Bug Tracking Tools so Important for Testing Teams?

We've got to keep track of these bugs!

Identifying bugs is one of the crucial phases in the software development lifecycle. Tracking the bug ensures quality assurance of software as well as eliminates the risk of post-release glitches. Addressing any software or an app plagued with bugs is the worst nightmare of the testers. Sometimes, the issues or discrepancies are so inconsequential that even the testers fail to track them.

The Lifecycle of a Testing Bug

A software bug is an error or fault in a computer program making it behave in unexpected ways. Bugs can be present at any stage during SDLC (software development lifecycle), or at the design, development, or user-acceptance testing phase. Whether you are testing a web portal for general bugs or for browser-compatibility issues, proper understanding and elimination are necessary.

Bugs can never be eliminated completely. No software can turn out to be 100 percent bug-free. But the testing team can adopt certain practices so that the elimination of bugs from software becomes easy. A good management system ensures that most bugs are found and fixed well before it enters production. If the testers and developers work efficiently, the time period from a bug’s discovery to its abolition can be minimized.

Good Tests and Bad Metrics: Choosing Quality Over Quantity in Software Testing

As a part of the quality assurance team, you are always expected to carry a quality stick to ensure quality is maintained to a "T." We are always asked to put ourselves into the shoes of the customers and ensure the products/projects meet their expectations with the highest quality achieved.

But the actual irony lies where all our quality metrics boil down to quantitative numbers and terms like bugs logged, the number of test cases written, the number of test cases executed, time spent on testing, URLs tested, browsers checked for cross-browser testing, defect leakage, and more.