Creating Selenium Test Cases: A Tutorial

Selenium has established itself as one of the most popular automation testing frameworks within the software engineering community. Comprising a suite of tools - viz. IDE, RC, WebDriver, and Grid - Selenium has quickly established itself as a market leader in the test automation sector. 

Selenium capitalized on the inadequacies of previously used frameworks like HP QTP, and Mercury’s Astra QuickTest which compelled users to write scripts in VBScript and were primarily intended for desktop-based tests. Its support of a variety of languages like Java, Python, C#, Perl, Ruby, .net, and PHP, has made it popular with individual testers and companies like Netflix, Google, HubSpot, and Fitbit among others.

Software Testing Trends to Win in 2022

Due to the pandemic, the adoption of digital technologies has been phenomenal across the verticals and horizontals.

As per a survey conducted by McKinsey & Company, responses to COVID-19 have only sped up the adoption of digital technologies by several years — and many of these changes could be here for the long haul. 

Top Free Open-Source Testing Tools and Frameworks

Does your team have the resources to build a test automation framework from the ground up with open-source libraries? Or is a pre-built and comprehensive testing tool more preferable to speed up your software development test cycle (STLC)?

Knowing which suits your scenario most will make the tool selection process much more accurate, along with this list of the top 10 free and open-source testing tools, frameworks, and libraries.

How to Avoid the Ice Cream Cone of Test Automation

The testing process is key to delivering quality software. But as the demand for faster delivery increases, it becomes harder for human teams to keep up. Luckily, test automation can help cover tasks.

And DevOps can further help position testing efforts within the software development cycle. But when dealing with larger software products that have constantly evolving functionality, test automation gets trickier.

6 Data Points About How The World’s Top Organizations Test Their Software

The hot-off-the-presses How the World’s Top Organizations Test report analyzes how industry leaders test the software that their business (and the world) relies on. For this first-of-its-kind report, Tricentis interviewed quality leaders at one hundred Fortune 500 (or global equivalent) organizations and major government agencies across the Americas, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.

Although there is no shortage of reports on overall software testing trends, the state of testing at the organizational level—particularly at “household name” brands—has historically been a black box. On the one hand, large organizations often have access to resources far beyond the reach of smaller businesses (for example, commercial as well as open-source software, access to consultants and services, etc.). But on the other hand, they face daunting challenges such as:

Top 6 Tools to Test Rest APIs


Rest APIs are a vital part of every digital application nowadays. It’s crucial to verify that APIs are working fine before applications are delivered to end-users. Rest APIs testing is carried out manually as well as automatically. When testing Rest APIs, we send various HTTP/S requests using GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE methods to ensure that the functionality is working great. Rest APIs testing also includes validating response versus the defined inputs, checking the accuracy of response, and checking HTTP status codes and error codes.

There are many open source and commercial testing tools that can be used to test Rest APIs. Within this article, let’s analyze the best fit among them for your testing demands.

5 Best Techniques for Automated Testing

New technologies and techniques are shaping the future at the same pace. The fast technological advancements in the software development and software testing industry strike the testers to improve their skills analytically. As per Gartner, Multi experience is going to be the app development upcoming future.  Companies are now determined on releasing their products on multiple series of gadgets counting augmented reality (AR), AI, and wearables, thus allowing the users to experience the products in distinct ways. 

Even in a new survey, 84% of participants stated that they think the implementation of Artificial Intelligence can provide them with a competitive advantage over competitors. It has become crucial for the software testing firms to think about the most effective software testing techniques to accomplish the expected quality.

End-to-End Testing in Agile: All You Need to Know

Most applications today are designed with a service-oriented architecture structure. The application is interconnected with many subsystems that can be outside of the application environment.

If there’s a failure in any of the subsystems, it can cause the entire application to crash.

Test Automation in Agile Environments: How to Get Started

Much of the software development in website development is done using agile methods. Test Automation is usually necessary to keep up with the speed.

It’s not really a question of whether automation is useful. Only a few people would rather repeat the same tasks many times every day than to let a computer do them. The question is whether the benefits are bigger than the costs. There will always be costs; automation is an investment. Businesses expect a return for their investment.

10 Reasons Your Organization Must Embrace Automated Testing in 2020

With more and more organizations today using DevOps and Agile methodologies to deliver their software projects, there’s now a greater demand than ever for speed and efficiency. As a result, automated testing is becoming necessary for organizations that want to keep up with the pace of modern software delivery.

 In fact, according to a recent study by NASSCOM, a quarter of their respondents have automated between 51% and 75% of their testing processes, demonstrating just how valuable this approach has become for many businesses.

DesiredCapabilities in Selenium

It’s a huge challenge for QA engineers to roll out robust web-applications that provide a seamless user experience across a variety of devices. Considering a large number of devices and browsers in the market, QAs need to test web-applications in different environments to ensure they meet market requirements.

These environments include different mobile devices, web-browsers, emulators, or simulators. To use the desired environment, QAs use DesiredCapabilities in test automation frameworks like Selenium. This article aims to explain in detail what DesiredCapabilities is and how it helps QAs test web-apps for cross-browser compatibility testing across multiple devices and platforms.

Code Coverage vs Test Coverage — Which Is Better?

Make sure you stay covered!

Test Coverage and Code coverage are the most popular methodologies for measuring the effectiveness of the code. Though these terms are sometimes used interchangeably since their underlying principles are the same. But they are not as similar as you may think.

Many times, I have noticed the testing team and development team being confused over the use of these two terminologies. This is why I thought of coming up with an article to talk about the differences between code coverage and test coverage in detail.

8 DevOps Trends to Watch For in 2020

Here's what you can look forward to for DevOps 2020.

According to a collective study, the DevOps market generated 2.9 billion in 2017 and the market is expected to reach $6.6 billion by 2022. DevOps has become a key focus and has shaped the world of software and many experts predict that DevOps is going to be the mainstream and is going to reach its peak in 2020.

Role of Test Automation in DevOps

Here's where QA fits into new DevOps processes.

The purpose of DevOps is to bring development and operations together. It allows them to build, test and deploy applications while reducing time-to-market considerably. Increasing the convenience and popularity of DevOps have sparked the conversation that Quality Assurance has become an outdated concept. However, it is not true.

QA was an integral part of the waterfall development process but it still holds a relevant position in DevOps. The process of DevOps never allows a lot of time for comprehensive test creation between coding and release. This also means that teams are continuously on their toes to specify, build, test, and deploy software effectively and rapidly.

Things to Know About Big Data Testing

Within a short span of time, data has emerged as one of the world’s most valuable resources. In an interconnected world, thanks to the technology revolution, huge amounts of data are generated each second. Big data is the collection of huge data that grow tremendously over time.

This data is so complex and large that traditional database management tools are unable to store and process it efficiently. Here is when big data testing comes into the picture. Let us discuss big data testing, its uses and the process of performing the test.

Integration Testing: What It Is and How to Do It Right

For software to work properly, all units should integrate together and behave correctly.

Integration testing is like inviting your two favorite groups of friends to the same birthday party and hoping they all get along. Will they cooperate and “blend” when they’re all in the same room? The only way to know is to perform an “integration test” by pulling them all together and seeing how they interact with one another.