11 Core Reasons Why Software Testing Has a Better Future than Development

Even though there is a long-running debate on which one amongst these two holds a better future, it seems that tests hold great possibilities. There has been always been a conflict between the two prevailing roads in software science – software tests and software development. Persons

are time and again left confused while choosing either of them for their profession. The reason; there are several misconceptions on both these career choices that over weigh one another.

4 Things I Wish I Had Known When I Started My Software Development Career

My software development career began about 17 years ago. But only in about the last seven years did I really start to see a large boost in my software development career.

In this post, I'll share some of the things I wish I had known when I got started in the software development industry — things that would have made me more successful, much earlier, if I would have known them.