How To Grow From a Software Developer To a Software Architect

The journey from developer to software architect is a difficult path full of challenges and doubts. Many developers start as juniors and progress into senior and team lead roles. But there’s more than one direction to grow as a software engineer, for example, a software architect. In this article, I would like to give you some ideas on becoming an effective software architect. 

First of all, let’s discuss who a software architect is. In one of our articles, “The role of a software architect,” written by the software architect of Apiumhub. 

Be An Effective Change Agent – Four Tips From a Software Architect

A primary requirement for a software organization today is to be able to introduce and maintain change at the speed of business. Driving innovation for any organization is no mean feat, but as holders of technical roadmaps, design patterns, and engineering practices, it is central to an architect’s role.

The ability to change software is holistically dependent on the software design as well as the systems, processes, and teams responsible for delivering it.  Architects must consider how to innovate across this landscape. That requires an understanding not only of the technologies and processes that can enable change, but also the complexities of adoption, both from a technical and organizational standpoint. 

Solution Architect: What Do They Do? A Complete Guide

What Is Solution Architecture?

According to Wikipedia: Solution architecture is a description of a discrete and focused business operation or activity and how IS/IT supports that operation.

Good and well-considered architecture is essential for the effective development of any software. The correct architectural solution makes it possible to scale the product at minimal cost and painlessly for an existing product and customers. Simply put, this is the foundation of the product on which the long-term success of any project depends. Solution architecture is oriented on specific business problems of the company and serves to achieve business goals.

What Is the Role of a Solution Architect In IT Companies?

A solution architect is responsible for the design, development, and evolution of the architectural solution of a product or ecosystem of a company's products. Thus this role requests a wide-ranging of skills. The developed solution should guarantee compatibility with existing business logic and products.