Future Javascript: Javascript Pipeline Operators

Pipeline operators are an upcoming feature to Javascript which gives us another way to pass values through a series of transformations. It gives more context to what developers were trying to achieve when they wrote their code and allows us to do some cool things to boot. Here, we'll take a quick look at pipeline operators, how they work, and how you can use them today.

Javascript Pipeline Operators: Support

Currently, no browser or server-side ECMAScript implementation (like Node.JS) supports pipeline operators. You can, however, get them to work using Babel 7.15. You can learn more about installing Babel here, but suffice to say this will allow you to add pipeline operators into your code.

The 7 Most Expensive Bugs in History

NASA Mars Climate Orbiter: $193 Million 

Nasa’s Mars Orbiter was the second probe in their Mars Surveyor Program, which also included the Mars Global Surveyor that launched in November 1996 and the Mars Polar Lander that launched in January 1999. 

They were designed to arrive at roughly the same time to conduct experiments on the surface, climate, and atmosphere of Mars. It was supposed to arrive in orbit on September 23, 1999.