SOAP APIs Aren’t Scary: What You Should Know Before You Build a SOAP Integration

Building your first integration with a SOAP-based API can be daunting.

Recently, I’ve helped several companies integrate their apps with third-party apps and services that use SOAP-based APIs. For developers with SOAP experience, the integrations were a breeze. But for the uninitiated, SOAP has a pretty steep learning curve and throws a lot of new terms and acronyms your way: XML, WSDL, envelope, procedure... and a few dozen others.

RESTifying SOAP Service Using Kumologica

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a standards-based web services access protocol that has been ruling the integration world for a long time. SOAP-based web services were the de facto standard for SOA (Service Oriented Architecture). As the architecture moved from SOA to Microservices the enterprise started embracing the new philosophy from Roy Fielding, which we call today REST (Representational State Transfer). REST is an architectural style that relies on HTTP protocol without any support of higher level protocol like SOAP.

Below are major reasons for the popularity and motivation for moving from SOAP to REST:

Web Service Testing Using Neoload

In this tutorial, we will understand how to design SOAP and REST services using Neoload to validate the performance of web services.

Designing SOAP request in Neoload

Step 1: Create New Project (Go to File -> Click on New -> Enter Project Name -> Click Finish)

5 Courses to Learn RESTful Web Services With Java and Spring in 2019

In the last article, I shared some courses to learn Microservices development with Spring, and today, I'll talk about RESTful web service development. REST APIs and RESTful web services need no introduction; they're everywhere now and driving a new internet revolution. Most software development in the web space now also involves REST APIs.

Gone are the days where the only interface for a web application is the browser. Now, most of them support REST APIs, which allows them to be accessible on any device like mobile devices, tablets, Apple watches, or any other digital gadget.