Apache Kafka in the Public Sector — Part 4: Energy and Utilities

The public sector includes many different areas. Some groups leverage cutting-edge technology, like military leverage. Others like the public administration are years or even decades behind. This blog series explores how the public sector leverages data in motion powered by Apache Kafka to add value for innovative new applications and modernize legacy IT infrastructures. This is part 4: Use cases and architectures for energy, utilities, and smart grid infrastructure.

Blog series: Apache Kafka in the Public Sector and Government

This blog series explores why many governments and public infrastructure sectors leverage event streaming for various use cases. Learn about real-world deployments and different architectures for Kafka in the public sector:

Apache Kafka for Smart Grid, Utilities and Energy Production

The energy industry is changing from system-centric to smaller-scale and distributed smart grids and microgrids. A smart grid requires a flexible, scalable, elastic, and reliable cloud-native infrastructure for real-time data integration and processing. This post explores use cases, architectures, and real-world deployments of event streaming with Apache Kafka in the energy industry to implement a smart grid and real-time end-to-end integration.

Smart Grid - The Energy Production and Distribution of the Future

The energy sector includes corporations that primarily are in the business of producing or supplying energy such as fossil fuels or renewables.

All You Need to Know About Smart Grid Big Data Analytics

Did you know the smart grid data analytics market is anticipated to grow by 25% from 2020 to 2024? This data analytics is now playing a more important role than anything else in the modern industrial system today. Indeed, it has unlocked novel groundbreaking opportunities for almost everyone. While among this all, smart grid data analytics is shaking up the entire industry with its utilities and technological innovations, making a significant impact on the lives of many people.

Please continue reading to know more about smart grid big data analytics, and how it is influencing the living of us all!