10 IoT Security Tips You Can Use to Secure Your IoT Devices

IoT is something of a double-edged sword. While it makes life so much simpler to have a smart home with a smart lock, and a Wi-Fi kettle that boils the water for your morning tea automatically, it comes at a price that may cost you significantly more than what’s on the price tag. In IoT security, there are security trade-offs and, unfortunately, these can do more harm than good, and almost make you miss the days when there was nothing “smart” about your TV! 

Let’s take a look at some examples to drive home the importance of security before we welcome this technology into our homes, our industries, and our everyday lives. 

Mobile App Development 2018: The Year Of Wearable Devices and IoT

Just the other morning, after a long, tedious, and unending night, I woke up to a strong intervals of vibration on my hand. I noticed I forgot to remove the new smart-band I bought yesterday and may have set the alarm while rummaging through the app.

During my ride to office on the bus, I noticed the fitness app and decided to change the settings for my alarm. Surprisingly, I was the one who got alarmed!

Smart Wearable Device Testing: Main Steps to Cover

Whenever you track your steps or wonder how many hours you’ve slept, smart wearable devices are always handy. The stages described in this article are common for the testing phases of most wearable devices that make it to the market. Also, in this article, we’ll address the device-specific stages based on the type of gear being tested.

In terms of QA, what is more important is how the hardware integrates with the software — and how smooth this interaction is. The faster and more seamless the integration is, all those quality requirements are equally applicable to the wearables’ testing

IoT Smart Home Automation and the Future

Smart home automation and IoT have been creating a lot of buzz in the IT industry. The daily lives of people have been made simpler, better, and more comfortable with the increasing number of smart homes and connected devices.

Smart homes have changed the way people live. For example, how about turning on the air condition of your home before you actually stepping inside? How about asking Alexa to play your favorite music and getting weather updates while you are still in the kitchen and preparing for dinner? Smart home automation can truly do more than that and it has become the future of our lives.

Understanding Industrial IoT Potential to Boost Energy Efficiency

Energy saving is directly related to money saving, and in any industrial sectors, operational costs heavily influence big decisions about manufacturing, production, and maintenance processes. Of all, manufacturing and development sectors consume more energy than other industries, swallowing nearly 54 percent of total global electricity production. Since energy consumption majorly contributes to massive operating costs, businesses must cluster round to leverage technologies that help optimize energy efficiency while performing core operations.

This infers that, despite frequent changes in energy and fuel cost, industrial sectors will continue to be the largest user of electricity with factories and plants dissipating tons of energy for output management. This is where industrial IoT technology can aid in the conservation of energy and making industry-wide operations more energy efficient.

Healthcare IoT: Monitoring Diabetes With Logz.io

A Quick Introduction to Diabetes and IoT

Before I hop right in, it’s important to understand a bit about diabetes. Diabetes is what happens when your body cannot produce (type 1) or respond (type 2) to insulin effectively. The impact on the body is frequently quite severe — people who have difficulty controlling their blood sugar levels run the risk of losing feeling in their fingers and/or toes or even going into a coma if their blood sugar is either too high or too low. 

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