Building Powerful Contracts Using DAML

As the blockchain technology evolves, there is a need for improved frameworks through which users can create and deploy smart contracts. DAML is one such open-source language for smart contracts originated by Digital Asset.

In this article, we will be understanding about the features of DAML, it’s need and benefits in the current scenarios and the steps to get started with building smart contracts using DAML.

How Bitcoin Processing Units Are Being Used For Mining Digital Currency

It’s a famous fact that bitcoin mining hardware has changed by leaps and bounds lately due to the growth of new central processing units in the marketplace. The new machines may conduct Bitcoin processing at a faster rate when compared with the computers of yesteryear.

Furthermore, they consume less power. Field programming team array processors are connected with CPUs to boost their computing power. While selecting hardware for Bitcoin processing, ensure it includes a large hash rate that would deliver spectacular results to your users. According to experts, the rate of data processing is measured in mega hash rates each second, or GIGA hash speeds per second.

Steps to Create, Test, and Deploy an Ethereum Smart Contract

Ever since Ethereum was introduced in 2015 by Canadian-Russian programmer, Vitalik Buterin, it has brought forth new decentralized applications (dApps). However, Ethereum’s success is significantly attributed to the implementation of smart contracts.

Many people believe that smart contracts are a new concept and have been invented with the Ethereum Blockchain Platform. However, they date back to 1996 when computer scientist, Nick Szabo, coined the term and defined them as: