Fullscreen Scrolling Slideshow

Today I’d like to share a little fullscreen slideshow effect with you. It is based on the amazing design of Chan + Eayrs and it’s powered by GreenSock’s Observer plugin that allows us to easily manage events when scrolling, for example.

The idea is to navigate a fullscreen slideshow based on scrolling and when we click a slide image, it reveals some content underneath. We also have a menu/navigation that allows us to directly jump to a specific slide.

The initial view is the following:

As a micro animation, we make the letters of the custom text cursor disappear while making the close button appear with the same kind of random letter animation:

The content view looks as follows:

And this is how it all comes together:

I hope you enjoy this and find it useful! Thanks for checking by!

Stack to Content Layout Transition

Today I’d like to share a little experiment with you that is based on the layout transition of Aristide Benoist’s amazing homepage. Basically, I’m trying to rotate this layout just like Siddarth did in this shot. No WebGL for this experiment so we definitely don’t reach the slickness level of Aristide’s work but it’s fun to try it out.

Our initial scrollable view looks as follows:

Once we click on an item, we animate the stack to the right side, enlarging the items and showing our content:

Here we can now navigate using the arrows. Once we scroll, we move back to the initial stack view.

Here’s the whole flow in a video:

Please keep in mind that this is very experimental and that there might be bugs 😉

I really hope you have fun with this little experiment! Thanks for checking by!

The post Stack to Content Layout Transition appeared first on Codrops.

Slideshow with Filter Reveal Effect

I’d like to share a very simple, little effect with you. It’s just an idea for applying a filter effect on a slideshow when navigating between the images. This is really just a proof of concept, I haven’t made a second level interaction, so no content preview or such thing.

So I hope you enjoy just navigating between the slides and find some inspiration in this. The whole thing suffers from classitis, there’s lots of better ways to do this!

Thanks for checking by!

The post Slideshow with Filter Reveal Effect appeared first on Codrops.

Shape Slideshow with Clip-path

Rounded shapes are back in fashion! Specifically, pill shaped forms are really hot right now, as can be seen on Icelandic Explorer for example:

On Gucci Beauty you can see many rounded shapes, especially rounded cards:

Window-like shapes are also super trendy, as can be seen in this beautiful poster design by Ana Sakac:

Another example is this great design by mashiqo:

I recently also stumbled across this beautiful Dribbble shot by Tyshchuk Maryna:

I thought that this might be somehow possible to do with a clip-path animation, so I started experimenting. It turns out that by using any kind of <basic-shape> you can create a unique look for a slideshow transition, or any other kind of transition, like a hover for example:

As a result, I have created four demos showing some ideas that might spark your inspiration. I really hope you like them!

Here is that pill-shaped look I was after:

Note that for non-supporting browsers, we’ll simply see the slide move without a clip-path applied to it.

Thank you for checking by and hope you enjoy this!

The post Shape Slideshow with Clip-path appeared first on Codrops.

Diagonal Thumbnail Slideshow Animation

The other day I saw this very nice Dribbble shot by Anton Tkachev and couldn’t help but envision it as a slideshow with some large typography. So I went ahead and did a small demo which then turned into an exploration of several animations for the image tiles and the texts.

So the main idea is to animate the tilted thumbnails out of the viewport when navigating to the next or previous slide. While the thumbnails move out, the titles get animated too, in that reveal/unreveal fashion that seems to be quite trendy now. The direction of the motion depends on wether we’re navigating back or forth.

The animations are powered by GreenSock’s GSAP animation library.

I’m totally in love with IvyMode and this demo was just a perfect excuse to use Jan Maack’s typeface again!

The images used in the demos are by generative artist Manolo Ide who offers his artwork for free.

I really hope this gives you a starting point for exploring more effects!

The post Diagonal Thumbnail Slideshow Animation appeared first on Codrops.

Experimental Triangle Image Transitions with WebGL

Do you love triangles? I do. And because its boring to like all triangles, I specifically target my love to equilateral ones, like this one:

equilateral triangle
Isn’t this beautiful? ?


Nobody: …
Nobody at all: …
Me: lets make full screen image transitions with equilateral triangles!

And although that pretty much sums up the reasoning part, I also did this for the love. For the love of equilateral triangles.

So let’s get started! Just as I did in my previous animations, I will need some plane geometry in front of a viewer.

But if I use the three.js PlaneBufferGeometry,

Not epic. Boring triangles.

…those triangles are not what we are looking for. To create equilateral ones, i just created my geometry with math! The final result looks like this:

Woah, now this is pure beauty. Don’t judge me.

What’s the math behind that? Pretty easy actually: with equilateral triangles you know exactly all the coordinates and sizes:

equilateral triangle math

Knowing those sizes, I can easily calculate as many triangles as I need. Also, I can’t help sharing this amazing resource on all kinds of hexagonal and equilateral triangle grids. That’s an amazing read regardless of your geometric preferences.

Anyhow, I got this kind of grid:

equilateral triangle strip
I scaled this to fit the whole screen.

Animation the triangles

Now that we have a grid, we can use GLSL and a vertex shader to animate those triangles. I recommend you read more about shaders and GLSL in “The Book Of Shaders“.

The good news is that we can animate each triangle separately; we can even animate each of its vertices on their own!

An example animation.

In code that looks like this:

vec3 newPosition = move(position, progress);

Where the move function moves and rotates the default position with the change of the progress value. That could be a simple shift on the X-axis, for example:

vec3 newPosition = position + progress*vec3(1.,0.,0.);

Or anything you could imagine doing with numbers.

I had a lot of fun experimenting with those effects, hope you will like them. And the possibilities here are endless of course.

Tell me, or better show me, what geometry figures do you like to animate? 🙂

P.S.: I do love all kinds of triangles, I hope no triangle will get offended or mad after reading this article.

The post Experimental Triangle Image Transitions with WebGL appeared first on Codrops.

A Glitchy Grid Layout Slideshow

I love experimenting with irregular layouts. I wanted to try to take this custom “background” grid one level further and add a stack-like navigation effect. I liked how it turned out but there was some Jazz missing. It was calling for some dramatic effect, like a glitch animation! So I added it and it was the missing bit indeed.

So, here it is: a glitchy grid layout slideshow with a magnetic link effect and a quick, stack-like animation when navigating.

Here’s the initial view:

When clicking on one of the navigation buttons, there’s a quick stacking animation:

When hovering over the “Enter” button, a glitch animation happens on all the images and texts. This is how it all comes together:

I really hope this comes in handy as a starting point for your ideas! Let me know what you think @codrops or @crnacura 🙂

The post A Glitchy Grid Layout Slideshow appeared first on Codrops.

CSS-Only Carousel

It's kind of amazing how far HTML and CSS will take you when building a carousel/slideshow.

  1. Setting some boxes in a horizontal row with flexbox is easy.
  2. Showing only one box at a time with overflow and making it swipable with -webkit-overflow-scrolling is easy.
  3. You can make the "slides" line up nicely with scroll-snap-type.
  4. A couple of #jump-links is all you need to make navigation for it, which you can make all nice and smooth with scroll-behavior.

See the Pen
Real Simple Slider
by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier)
on CodePen.

Christian Schaefer has taken it a little further with next and previous buttons, plus an auto-play feature that stops playing once interaction starts.

See the Pen
A CSS-only Carousel Slider
by Christian Schaefer (@Schepp)
on CodePen.

About that auto-play thing — it's a bonafide CSS trick:

  1. First I slowly offset the scroll snap points to the right, making the scroll area follow along due to being snapped to them.
  2. After having scrolled the width of a whole slide, I deactivate the snapping. The scroll area is now untied from the scroll snap points.
  3. Now I let the scroll snap points jump back to their initial positions without them "snap-dragging" the scroll area back with them
  4. Then I re-engage the snapping which now lets the scroll area snap to a different snap point 🤯


JavaScript-powered slideshows (e.g. with Flickty) can be real nice, too. There is just something neat about getting it done with so little code.

See the Pen
Flickity - wrapAround
by Dave DeSandro (@desandro)
on CodePen.

The post CSS-Only Carousel appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Making Gooey Image Hover Effects with Three.js

Flash’s grandson, WebGL has become more and more popular over the last few years with libraries like Three.js, PIXI.js or the recent OGL.js. Those are very useful for easily creating a blank board where the only boundaries are your imagination. We see more and more, often subtle integration of WebGL in an interface for hover, scroll or reveal effects. Examples are the gallery of articles on Hello Monday or the effects seen on cobosrl.co.

In this tutorial, we’ll use Three.js to create a special gooey texture that we’ll use to reveal another image when hovering one. Head over to the demo to see the effect in action. For the demo itself, I’ve created a more practical example that shows a vertical scrollable layout with images, where each one has a variation of the effect. You can click on an image and it will expand to a larger version while some other content shows up (just a mock-up). We’ll go over the most interesting parts of the effect, so that you get an understanding of how it works and how to create your own.

I’ll assume that you are comfortable with JavaScript and have some knowledge of Three.js and shader logic. If you’re not, have a look at the Three.js documentation or The Book of Shaders, Three.js Fundamentals or Discover Three.js.

Attention: This tutorial covers many parts; if you prefer, you can skip the HTML/CSS/JavaScript part and go directly go to the shaders section.

Now that we are clear, let’s do this!

Create the scene in the DOM

Before we start making some magic, we are first going to mark up the images in the HTML. It will be easier to handle resizing our scene after we’ve set up the initial position and dimension in HTML/CSS rather than positioning everything in JavaScript. Moreover, the styling part should be only made with CSS, not JavaScript. For example, if our image has a ratio of 16:9 on desktop but a 4:3 ratio on mobile, we just want to handle this using CSS. JavaScript will only get the new values and do its stuff.

// index.html

<section class="container">
	<article class="tile">
		<figure class="tile__figure">
			<img data-src="path/to/my/image.jpg" data-hover="path/to/my/hover-image.jpg" class="tile__image" alt="My image" width="400" height="300" />

<canvas id="stage"></canvas>
// style.css

.container {
	display: flex;
	align-items: center;
	justify-content: center;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100vh;
	z-index: 10;

.tile {
	width: 35vw;
	flex: 0 0 auto;

.tile__image {
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	object-fit: cover;
	object-position: center;

canvas {
	position: fixed;
	left: 0;
	top: 0;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100vh;
	z-index: 9;

As you can see above, we have create a single image that is centered in the middle of our screen. Did you notice the data-src and data-hover attributes on the image? These will be our reference images and we’ll load both of these later in our script with lazy loading.

Don’t forget the canvas. We’ll stack it below our main section to draw the images in the exact same place as we have placed them before.

Create the scene in JavaScript

Let’s get started with the less-easy-but-ok part! First, we’ll create the scene, the lights, and the renderer.

// Scene.js

import * as THREE from 'three'

export default class Scene {
	constructor() {
		this.container = document.getElementById('stage')

		this.scene = new THREE.Scene()
		this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
			canvas: this.container,
			alpha: true,

		this.renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)


	initLights() {
		const ambientlight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff, 2)

This is a very basic scene. But we need one more essential thing in our scene: the camera. We have a choice between two types of cameras: orthographic or perspective. If we keep our image flat, we can use the first one. But for our rotation effect, we want some perspective as we move the mouse around.

In Three.js (and other libraries for WebGL) with a perspective camera, 10 unit values on our screen are not 10px. So the trick here is to use some math to transform 1 unit to 1 pixel and change the perspective to increase or decrease the distortion effect.

// Scene.js

const perspective = 800

constructor() {
	// ...

initCamera() {
	const fov = (180 * (2 * Math.atan(window.innerHeight / 2 / perspective))) / Math.PI

	this.camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(fov, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 1000)
	this.camera.position.set(0, 0, perspective)

We’ll set the perspective to 800 to have a not-so-strong distortion as we rotate the plane. The more we increase the perspective, the less we’ll perceive the distortion, and vice versa.

The last thing we need to do is to render our scene in each frame.

// Scene.js

constructor() {
	// ...

update() {
	this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera)

If your screen is not black, you are on the right way!

Build the plane with the correct sizes

As we mentioned above, we have to retrieve some additional information from the image in the DOM like its dimension and position on the page.

// Scene.js

import Figure from './Figure'

constructor() {
	// ...
	this.figure = new Figure(this.scene)
// Figure.js

export default class Figure {
	constructor(scene) {
		this.$image = document.querySelector('.tile__image')
		this.scene = scene

		this.loader = new THREE.TextureLoader()

		this.image = this.loader.load(this.$image.dataset.src)
		this.hoverImage = this.loader.load(this.$image.dataset.hover)
		this.sizes = new THREE.Vector2(0, 0)
		this.offset = new THREE.Vector2(0, 0)



First, we create another class where we pass the scene as a property. We set two new vectors, dimension and offset, in which we’ll store the dimension and position of our DOM image.

Furthermore, we’ll use a TextureLoader to “load” our images and convert them into a texture. We need to do that as we want to use these pictures in our shaders.

We need to create a method in our class to handle the loading of our images and wait for a callback. We could achieve that with an async function but for this tutorial, let’s keep it simple. Just keep in mind that you’ll probably need to refactor this a bit for your own purposes.

// Figure.js

// ...
	getSizes() {
		const { width, height, top, left } = this.$image.getBoundingClientRect()

		this.sizes.set(width, height)
		this.offset.set(left - window.innerWidth / 2 + width / 2, -top + window.innerHeight / 2 - height / 2)
// ...

We get our image information in the getBoundingClientRect object. After that, we’ll pass these to our two variables. The offset is here to calculate the distance between the center of the screen and the object on the page.

// Figure.js

// ...
	createMesh() {
		this.geometry = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(1, 1, 1, 1)
		this.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
			map: this.image

		this.mesh = new THREE.Mesh(this.geometry, this.material)

		this.mesh.position.set(this.offset.x, this.offset.y, 0)
		this.mesh.scale.set(this.sizes.x, this.sizes.y, 1)

// ...

After that, we’ll set our values on the plane we’re building. As you can notice, we have created a plane of 1 on 1px with 1 row and 1 column. As we don’t want to distort the plane, we don’t need a lot of faces or vertices. So let’s keep it simple.

But why scale it while we can set the size directly? Glad you asked.

Because of the resizing part. If we want to change the size of our mesh afterwards, there is no other proper way than this one. While it’s easier to change the scale of the mesh, it’s not for the dimension.

For the moment, we set a MeshBasicMaterial, just to see if everything is fine.

Get mouse coordinates

Now that we have built our scene with our mesh, we want to get our mouse coordinates and, to keep things easy, we’ll normalize them. Why normalize? Because of the coordinate system in shaders.


As you can see in the figure above, we have normalized the values for both of our shaders. So to keep things simple, we’ll prepare our mouse coordinate to match the vertex shader coordinate.

If you’re lost at this point, I recommend you to read the Book of Shaders and the respective part of Three.js Fundamentals. Both have good advice and a lot of examples to help understand what’s going on.

// Figure.js

// ...

this.mouse = new THREE.Vector2(0, 0)
window.addEventListener('mousemove', (ev) => { this.onMouseMove(ev) })

// ...

onMouseMove(event) {
	TweenMax.to(this.mouse, 0.5, {
		x: (event.clientX / window.innerWidth) * 2 - 1,
		y: -(event.clientY / window.innerHeight) * 2 + 1,

	TweenMax.to(this.mesh.rotation, 0.5, {
		x: -this.mouse.y * 0.3,
		y: this.mouse.x * (Math.PI / 6)

For the tween parts, I’m going to use TweenMax from GreenSock. This is the best library ever. EVER. And it’s perfect for our purpose. We don’t need to handle the transition between two states, TweenMax will do it for us. Each time we move our mouse, TweenMax will update the position and the rotation smoothly.

One last thing before we continue: we’ll update our material from MeshBasicMaterial to ShaderMaterial and pass some values (uniforms) and shaders.

// Figure.js

// ...

this.uniforms = {
	u_image: { type: 't', value: this.image },
	u_imagehover: { type: 't', value: this.hover },
	u_mouse: { value: this.mouse },
	u_time: { value: 0 },
	u_res: { value: new THREE.Vector2(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight) }

this.material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
	uniforms: this.uniforms,
	vertexShader: vertexShader,
	fragmentShader: fragmentShader

update() {
	this.uniforms.u_time.value += 0.01

We passed our two textures, the mouse position, the size of our screen and a variable called u_time which we will increment each frame.

But keep in mind that it’s not the best way to do that. For example, we only need to increment when we are hovering the figure, not every frame. I’m not going into details, but performance-wise, it’s better to just update our shader only when we need it.

The logic behind the trick & how to use noise

Still here? Nice! Time for some magic tricks.

I will not explain what noise is and where it comes from. If you’re interested, be sure to read this page from The Book of Shaders. It’s well explained.

Long story short, Noise is a function that gives us a value between -1 and 1 based on values we pass through. It will output a random pattern but more organic.

Thanks to noise, we can generate a lot of different shapes, like maps, random patterns, etc.



Let’s start with a 2D noise result. Just by passing the coordinate of our texture, we’ll have something like a cloud texture.


But there are several kinds of noise functions. Let’s use a 3D noise by giving one more parameter like … the time? The noise pattern will evolve and change over time. By changing the frequency and the amplitude, we can give some movement and increase the contrast.

It will be our first base.


Second, we’ll create a circle. It’s quite easy to build a simple shape like a circle in the fragment shader. We just take the function from The Book of Shaders: Shapes to create a blurred circle, increase the contrast and voilà!


Last, we add these two together, play with some variables, cut a “slice” of this and tadaaa:


We finally mix our textures together based on this result and here we are, easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Let’s dive into the code.


We won’t really need the vertex shader here so this is our code:

 // vertexShader.glsl
varying vec2 v_uv;

void main() {
	v_uv = uv;

	gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);

ShaderMaterial from Three.js provides some useful default variables when you’re a beginner:

  • position (vec3): the coordinates of each vertex of our mesh
  • uv (vec2): the coordinates of our texture
  • normals (vec3): normal of each vertex our mesh have.

Here we’re just passing the UV coordinates from the vertex shader to fragment shader.

Create the circle

Let’s use the function from The Book of Shaders to build our circle and add a variable to handle the blurriness of our edges.

Moreover, we’ll add the mouse position to the origin of our circle. This way, the circle will be moving as long as we move our mouse over our image.

// fragmentShader.glsl
uniform vec2 u_mouse;
uniform vec2 u_res;

float circle(in vec2 _st, in float _radius, in float blurriness){
	vec2 dist = _st;
	return 1.-smoothstep(_radius-(_radius*blurriness), _radius+(_radius*blurriness), dot(dist,dist)*4.0);

void main() {
	vec2 st = gl_FragCoord.xy / u_res.xy - vec2(1.);
	// tip: use the following formula to keep the good ratio of your coordinates
	st.y *= u_res.y / u_res.x;

	vec2 mouse = u_mouse;
	// tip2: do the same for your mouse
	mouse.y *= u_res.y / u_res.x;
	mouse *= -1.;
	vec2 circlePos = st + mouse;
	float c = circle(circlePos, .03, 2.);

	gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(c), 1.);

Make some noooooise

As we saw above, the noise function has several parameters and gives us a smooth cloudy pattern. How could we have that? Glad you asked.

For this part, I’m using glslify and glsl-noise, and two npm packages to include other functions. It keeps our shader a little bit more readable and avoids having a lot of displayed functions that we will not use after all.

// fragmentShader.glsl
#pragma glslify: snoise2 = require('glsl-noise/simplex/2d')


varying vec2 v_uv;

uniform float u_time;

void main() {
	// ...

	float n = snoise2(vec2(v_uv.x, v_uv.y));

	gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(n), 1.);


By changing the amplitude and the frequency of our noise (exactly like the sin/cos functions), we can change the render.

// fragmentShader.glsl

float offx = v_uv.x + sin(v_uv.y + u_time * .1);
float offy = v_uv.y - u_time * 0.1 - cos(u_time * .001) * .01;

float n = snoise2(vec2(offx, offy) * 5.) * 1.;


But it isn’t evolving through time! It is distorted but that’s it. We want more. So we will use noise3d instead and pass a 3rd parameter: the time.

float n = snoise3(vec3(offx, offy, u_time * .1) * 4.) * .5;

As you can see, I changed the amplitude and the frequency to have the render I desire.

Alright, let’s add them together!

Merging both textures

By just adding these together, we’ll already see an interesting shape changing through time.


To explain what’s happening, let’s imagine our noise is like a sea floating between -1 and 1. But our screen can’t display negative color or pixels more than 1 (pure white) so we are just seeing the values between 0 and 1.


And our circle is like a flan.


By adding these two shapes together it will give this very approximative result:


Our very white pixels are only pixels outside the visible spectrum.

If we scale down our noise and subtract a small number, it will be completely moving down your waves until it disappears above the surface of the ocean of visible colors.


float n = snoise(vec3(offx, offy, u_time * .1) * 4.) - 1.;

Our circle is still there but not enough visible to be displayed. If we multiply its value, it will be more contrasted.

float c = circle(circlePos, 0.3, 0.3) * 2.5;


We are almost there! But as you can see, there are still some details missing. And our edges aren’t sharp at all.

To avoid that, we’ll use the built-in smoothstep function.

float finalMask = smoothstep(0.4, 0.5, n + c);

gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(finalMask), 1.);

Thanks to this function, we’ll cut a slice of our pattern between 0.4 et 0.5, for example. The shorter the space is between these values, the sharper the edges are.

Finally, we can mix our two textures to use them as a mask.

uniform sampler2D u_image;
uniform sampler2D u_imagehover;

// ...

vec4 image = texture2D(u_image, uv);
vec4 hover = texture2D(u_imagehover, uv);

vec4 finalImage = mix(image, hover, finalMask);

gl_FragColor = finalImage;

We can change a few variables to have a more gooey effect:

// ...

float c = circle(circlePos, 0.3, 2.) * 2.5;

float n = snoise3(vec3(offx, offy, u_time * .1) * 8.) - 1.;

float finalMask = smoothstep(0.4, 0.5, n + pow(c, 2.));

// ...

And voilà!

Check out the full source here or take a look at the live demo.

Mic drop

Congratulations to those who came this far. I haven’t planned to explain this much. This isn’t perfect and I might have missed some details but I hope you’ve enjoyed this tutorial anyway. Don’t hesitate to play with variables, try other noise functions and try to implement other effects using the mouse direction or play with the scroll!

If you have any questions, let me know in the comments section! I also encourage you to download the demo, it’s a little bit more complex and shows the effects in action with hover and click effects ¯\_(?)_/¯

References and Credits

Making Gooey Image Hover Effects with Three.js was written by Arno Di Nunzio and published on Codrops.

Crossroads Slideshow

Today we’d like to share an experimental slideshow with you. The main idea is to show three slides of a slideshow that is slightly rotated. The titles of each slide, which serve as a decorative element, overlay the images and are rotated in an opposing angle. This creates an interesting look, especially when animated. When clicking on one of the lateral slides, the whole thing moves, and when we click on the middle slide, we move everything up and reveal a content area.

The animations are powered by TweenMax.

Attention: Note that the demo is experimental and that we use modern CSS properties that might not be supported in older browsers. Edge has a problem with SVG data-uri cursors, so you won’t see the custom cursors in the demo there.

The initial view of the slideshow looks as follows:


When we click on the lateral slides, we can navigate. When clicking on the middle one, we open the respective content view for that item:


We also have a dark mode option:



Here’s how the animations look:

We hope you enjoy this slideshow and find it useful!

References and Credits

Crossroads Slideshow was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.

Text Trail Effect

Today we’d like to share a little text effect for a slideshow with you. It’s based on the animation seen in the Dribbble shot Abstract is hiring. The idea is to show a trail of a text when transitioning between slides of a slideshow. The animations are made using TweenMax.

Attention: Note that this is very experimental and that we use modern CSS properties that might not be supported in older browsers.

We’ve created five demos with different typography and effects for the images as we go from one slide to another. The text trail layout is made by using a flexbox container that will make the height of each text container shrink so that all fit into the viewport (height). Some of the texts will be visible in full height (we set them specifically to flex: none). Using blend modes and rotations also creates an interesting look.






We hope you enjoy this effect and find it useful!

References and Credits

Text Trail Effect was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.

Layer Motion Slideshow

Today we’d like to share yet another CSS Grid-powered slideshow with you. The idea is to show and hide images with a reveal effect and add a parallax like effect to the main image and the title. For the title we’ve added two copied layers with an outline style which creates an interesting motion effect. For the animations we use TweenMax.

Attention: Note that we use modern CSS properties that might not be supported in older browsers.

The initial view of the slideshow looks as follows:


For each slide we have a custom grid layout with one main image that spans the full height of the page. When we go next, the images will be hidden with a sliding motion and the title letters disappear randomly. The new slide will reveal its images and the title in a similar fashion.

When moving the mouse, we move copied layers of the main image and the title to create a trail-like effect.

Once the plus after the excerpt is clicked, we show the content of the slide and change the background color:


We hope you like this slideshow and find it useful!

References and Credits

Layer Motion Slideshow was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.

Motion Transition Effect

Today we’d like to share a little speedy motion effect with you. The idea is based on the Dribbble shot Ping Pong Slow Motion by Gal Shir where you can see a ping pong ball being shot from one racket to the other. The motion in the animation is enhanced by squeezing the ball and making some background stripes’ height pulsate. This is exactly what we want to do in a slideshow transition: we’ll squeeze the image and add some background effect. Additionally, we’ll make the letters of the title fly away consecutively.

The animations are powered by TweenMax.

The grain texture for the background was generated using Grained by Sarath Saleem.

Attention: Note that we use modern CSS properties like CSS Grid and CSS Custom Properties that are not supported in older browsers.

The slideshow shows a image in the center of the page:


When clicking on “next” or “previous”, the image will move away, being squeezed to create the illusion of a fast acceleration. The letters will fly away and the background shapes will start “pulsating”.


We hope you enjoy this little effect and find it useful!

References and Credits

Motion Transition Effect was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.